
Debug build crashes, if last python break point is deleted

photoniker opened this issue · 0 comments

If I delete the last (at this point the only existing one) python break point, Itom crashes somewhere around line 229/230 of breakPointModel.cpp (-->qabstractitemmodel.cpp).

This happens only in Debug, but it does not matter, if I started qitomd.exe (itomd.bat) directly or by VS’s debugger.

I am using VS2017 and itom all in one developer setup with Qt 5.12.6.

(Git on master @ Commit a4c0845 [a4c0845])

Can anyone reproduce this?

Call Stack:

Qt5Cored.dll!00007ffd5029b33b()	Unbekannt
Qt5Cored.dll!00007ffd50299b02()	Unbekannt
Qt5Cored.dll!00007ffd5028a81b()	Unbekannt
Qt5Cored.dll!00007ffd505f2cea()	Unbekannt
qitomd.exe!ito::BreakPointModel::deleteBreakPoint(const QModelIndex & index) Zeile 230	C++
qitomd.exe!ito::BreakPointModel::deleteBreakPoints(const QList<QModelIndex> & indizes) Zeile 271	C++
qitomd.exe!ito::ScriptEditorWidget::toggleBreakpoint(int line) Zeile 1428	C++
qitomd.exe!ito::ScriptEditorWidget::qt_static_metacall(QObject * _o, QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void * * _a) Zeile 328	C++
[Externer Code]	
qitomd.exe!ito::BreakpointPanel::toggleBreakpointRequested(int _t1) Zeile 223	C++
qitomd.exe!ito::BreakpointPanel::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent * e) Zeile 221	C++
[Externer Code]	
qitomd.exe!QItomApplication::notify(QObject * receiver, QEvent * event) Zeile 53	C++
[Externer Code]	
qitomd.exe!QItomApplication::notify(QObject * receiver, QEvent * event) Zeile 53	C++
[Externer Code]	
qitomd.exe!ito::MainApplication::exec() Zeile 1092	C++
qitomd.exe!main(int argc, char * * argv) Zeile 378	C++
qitomd.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * __formal, HINSTANCE__ * __formal, char * __formal, int __formal) Zeile 97	C++
[Externer Code]	

[Issue created by boettcher NA: 2020-12-09]

[Comment created by M. Gronle: 2020-12-09]
fixes issue #159: bugfix in BreakPointModel::deleteBreakPoint

→ <<cset 0be9b28>>

[Comment created by Johann Krauter: 2020-12-09]
Does not happen to me

[Comment created by boettcher NA: 2020-12-09]

[Comment created by M. Gronle: 2020-12-09]
Does this occur if itom is in idle state (no Python debugging session is currently running) or if the Python debugger is currently active (or both)?

[Comment created by Johann Krauter: 2020-12-09]
It does not crash in debug by deleting the last breakpoint for itom build with VS2015, Qt 5.10