The module provides a field that can output defined callbacks that will be pushed though drupal_render.
This works well with the paragraphs module.
To define the callbacks, create a custom module and define the following hook. Then include you custom callback function.
* hook_itomic_page_insert
function my_module_itomic_page_inserts(&$vars) {
$vars['my_page_insert'] = array(
'callback' => 'my_module_loader',
'title' => t('My Page Insert'),
return $vars;
* Callback
function my_module_loader() {
$base = drupal_get_path('module', 'my_module');
$content = array();
$content['#attached'] = array( // Add custom CSS.
'css' => array(
$base . '/color.css' => array(),
// Add custom JavaScript.
'js' => array(
$base . '/color.js',
$content['#markup'] = '<h1>Hello world</h1>';
return $content;