
Next generation dojo.io site

Primary LanguageTypeScriptBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Build Status codecov

Next generation dojo.io.

Running dojo.io Locally

Before building for the first time, run npm install.

To build, serve and watch, run npm run build:dev. Open http://localhost:9999/. The page will reload on any changes.

Build Time Renderer (BTR)

dojo.io is built using the Build Time Renderer, part of the dojo build process, to statically render each route defined in the .dojorc file. During the build process, after the site is built, each route is loaded up in puppeteer, a snapshot is taken, and an index.html is generated. This allows pages to be loaded in full, quickly and without javascript enabled. Once the page is loaded, the loading of the rest of the app occurs. This loading is further improved with code splitting.

Code Splitting

Each route defined in the .dojorc file for BTR should have its own unique Outlet in the App.tsx file and that Outlet should point to a unique widget for the route. If you are using the content pipeline to dynamically build your pages (aka you are using the Section or Page widgets) a wrapper widget may be required to accomplish this requirement (example: TutorialsPage and TutorialsLanding).

Content Pipeline

In Dojo 5, a new feature was introduced to the Build Time Renderer called Blocks. Blocks allow us to run nodejs code during the BTR process, cache the results in the javascript output, and render them in the client. This forms the basis of the content pipeline.

The site's Blocks can be found under src/scripts, labeled with a .block.ts extension.

Markdown Compiler

Compile tasks a path to a markdown file, relative to the content path, as an input. The markdown file is then run through remark, which converts it to HTML and looks for specially designated tags to convert to Dojo widgets. This is used for generating entire pages from markdown.

Available Widgets

The available dojo widgets are defined in src/scripts/compile.ts file as handlers.


The Alert renders a section of text with a colored left border. It takes an optional type parameters.


  • info (default)
  • success
  • warning
  • danger

Default sample

Create a new root node for the application


Warning sample

[Alert type=warning]
Create a new root node for the application

Alert Warning


The Aside widget takes a title parameter, and renders a card with a title and body text. The widget has a black background with an orange left border.


[Aside title="Mandatory object for properties"]
The 2nd argument of the `w()` function is mandatory even you have no properties to pass in. This is to ensure the correct type guarding for all widgets in TypeScript.



The CodeBlock widget takes two requires parameters (path and language) and one optional parameter (region).

  • path - The path, relative to the content folder, of a file to parse.
  • language - The language to use for code highlighting.
  • region - (Optional) A defined region within the file to grab. If not provide, the entire file's contents will be returned.

CodeBlock from file sample

[CodeBlock path=tutorial-2-finished/src/widgets/App.tsx, language=tsx]


CodeBlock from file with region

[CodeBlock path=tutorial-2-finished/src/widgets/App.tsx, region=render, language=tsx]

CodeBlock Region

Designating a region

Defining a region in a file varies by language. The region comments will never appear in a codeblock, as they are stripped out during the parsing.

  • ts
    • Start Region: // @start-region render
    • End Region: // @end-region render
  • tsx
    • Start Region: // @start-region render
    • End Region: // @end-region render
  • html
    • Start Region: <!-- @start-region render -->
    • End Region: <!-- @end-region render -->
  • css
    • Start Region: /* @start-region render */
    • End Region: /* @end-region render */
  • json
    • Start Region: // @start-region render
    • End Region: // @end-region render


The CodeSandbox widget takes a url parameter, and renders an embedded codesandbox on the page using the provided URL.


[CodeSandbox url=https://codesandbox.io/embed/github/dojo/examples/tree/master/todo-mvc]


Adding New Widgets

You can add any Dojo widget to the handlers list by following the steps below.

  1. Add your widget to the handlers list in the src/scripts/compiler.ts file.
    • Simple widgets (no child content) can be designated as inline widgets. These must be written on one line in the markdown and don't need a closing tag.
      • Example: { type: 'CodeSandbox', inline: true }
    • Widgets with child content should be multi-line widgets. These must be written on multiple lines with opening and closing tags on their own lines.
      • Example: { type: 'Aside' }
  2. Define your widget with its handle in the src/main.tsx file.
    1. Import your widget into the file.
    2. Define your widget in the registry: registry.define('docs-alert', Alert);
      • The handle to use is the lowercase version of the name you put in handlers with docs- added to the front.
  3. (Optional) If your widget needs custom parsing logic (example: CodeBlock), you can add a widget creation function to the widgets list in the src/scripts/compiler.ts file. Use the handle you put in main.tsx to register your widget creation function.

Adding Content

Blog Post

  1. Add a markdown file to the content/blog/en folder, in the following format.


    title: New Post
    date: 2019-03-22T12:00:00.000Z
    author: The Author
    ## New Post
    The description to show on the blog index page.
    ![The image for the blog](/assets/blog/title-of-blog/featured.png)
    <!-- more -->
    ## Another header in the blog after the break
    More content for the blog after the break
  2. Add a path for the blog to the .dojorc file. Example: "blog/new-post",


Coming soon.

Reference Guide

  1. Reference Guides should be added to the repository of the referenced content (most likely dojo/framework). The reference guide should consist of the following 3 files:

    • introduction.md
    • basic-usage.md
    • supplemental.md

    Pages will be generated for the introduction and basic usage files, and one page for each top level header (h1) in the supplemental file.

  2. Add page paths (for introduction, basic usage and each top level header (h1) in supplemental) to the .dojorc file.



  3. Add a route for the reference guide to routes.ts. Example:


    	path: 'reference-guides/i18n/{page}',
    	outlet: 'reference-guide-i18n'
  4. Add an outlet for the route to the ReferenceGuides widget. Example:


    	renderer={(matchDetails) => {
    		const { page } = matchDetails.params;
    		return (
  5. Add a landing link to the ReferenceGuidesLanding widget in src/pages. Example:


    	params={{ page: 'introduction' }}
  6. Add a menu entry to the Header widget for use in the hamburger menu on mobile. Example:



Roadmap Entry

Add a markdown file to the content/roadmap/en folder, in the following format.


title: Dojo 6
date: Q2 2019
released: false

Features coming in Dojo X

- A feature
- A shiny feature
- A shinier feature
- The shiniest feature


Dates in the roadmap section can be of two formats:

  1. Quarter format. Example: Q2 2019, Parsed Value: June 30, 2019 23:59 GMT
  2. Month format. Example: January 2019, Parsed Value: January 31, 2019 23:59 GMT

The entries will be sorted by the parsed date. If the date cannot be parsed, it will be sorted to the top of the roadmap.

Fontawesome Icons Widget

You can use the Fontawesome Icon widget to render any of the fontawesome icons, importing only those you need.

  1. Import the icon you need in the src/App.tsx file and add it to the library.
    import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core';
    import { faCloudDownloadAlt } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons/faCloudDownloadAlt';
    library.add(faCloudDownloadAlt, faGraduationCap, faListAlt);
    • On the import make sure to import from the specific icon path and not the index.
      • Correct: import { faCloudDownloadAlt } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons/faCloudDownloadAlt';
      • Incorrect: import { faCloudDownloadAlt } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
  2. Use the FontAwesomeIcon widget anywhere in the app passing in the icon you want.
    <FontAwesomeIcon icon="cloud-download-alt" />

Other options (per FontAwesome) exist for changing the icons and are defined by the properties to the widget.


We use Jest for unit tests on the site.

Run all unit tests, npm run test or npm test or jest.

Now Deployments

On submission of a PR, an automatic deployment of the site is made to now.sh. The PR will be updated with the URL to the deployment automatically. You can test this deployment prior by running now locally (install the now cli with npm install -g now).