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AutoAudit script Paul Nielsen, John Sigouin
Version 3.30 is available in the downloads tab.
AutoAudit is a SQL Server (2005, 2008, 2012) Code-Gen utility that creates Audit Trail Triggers with:
- Insert - event logged to Audit table
- Update - old and new values logged to Audit table
- Delete - logs all final values to the Audit table
- CreatedDate, CreatedBy, ModifiedDate, ModifiedBy, and RowVersion (incrementing INT) columns optionally added to table
- View to reconstruct deleted rows
- UDF and view to reconstruct Row History
- UDF to recover the data from a table at any point in time - NEW FOR 3.30
- Schema Audit Trigger to track schema changes
- Re-code-gens triggers when Alter Table changes the table
Version 3.30 major changes:
Added the _TableRecovery UDF that returns the data from a table as it existed at a specified point in time
Added User-configurable prefixes and suffixes for AutoAudit views and UDF's
Added a parameter to configure the date style to either 113 or 121 in AutoAudit tables
Added QUOTENAME delimiters around TableName entry in AuditHeader table
Added LoginName to the SchemaAudit table
Changed the default behaviour of the pAutoAuditDropAll stored procedure to 0 (don't drop) instead of 1 and added a safeguard confirmation parameter.
Added the Comment column to the AuditAllExclusions table
Version 3.20h major changes:
- Added an option for pAutoAuditAll to exclude all tables from specified schemas
Version 3.20e major changes:
- Handle primary keys with up to 5 columns
- implemented Quotename and all over to handle any table and column name
- Save changes for a subset of the columns in a table
- Schema support so that the Audit tables and objects can be created in any schema (not just dbo)
- Added a _RowHistory view for each audited table
- Implemented Quotename() all over to ensure AutoAudit works with any table and column name
- Adjusted AutoAudit to make it work with case-sensitive database collation
- Added the option for users to rename the Created, CreatedBy, Modified, ModifiedBy, RowVersion columns
- Added audit data archiving feature
There is close to 80 changes between version 2.00h and 3.30. Please refer to the Documention TAB and setup script file for all the details. I also added information in the guide section to explain the new features in more details.
Version 2 adds:
Optional logging of submitted SQL Batch
Optional Insert logging (none, event, all values)
Optional strict or loose user context logging
Optional base table DDL columns (Created, CreatedBy, Modified, ModifiedBy, and RowVersion)