This is a directory where groups of people can get together and play with git and github without the fear of breaking things...because most things in here will probably be broken.
- applekao
- davidptracyUnited States
- dooztronBrooklyn, NY
- drios42
- ehagan21
- ErinFinneganAdobe
- jhcloos
- jihyunleeGoogle
- Kadee80NYC
- liamartinezNYU ITP
- luisaphBrooklyn, NY
- mariapaulasabaITP - NYU
- merceditas008
- MimiOnuohaBrooklyn
- mimiyin
- mrichardson23Raspberry Pi Limited
- Peiqi-SU
- rouxpzITP-NYU
- ryanbartleyBrooklyn, NY
- samattDigital Witness Lab, Princeton University
- sarahrothberg
- streamgao
- theantoniusITP, NYU
- veevBrooklyn, NY
- yj354