ChatIT is a customizable Minecraft server mod designed to enhance in-game communication by providing robust chat management features. It offers local and global chat capabilities, profanity filtering through an external API or configurable regex patterns, and player-specific settings to control adult content visibility.
Local and Global Chat:
- Messages prefixed with
are broadcasted globally to all players. - Messages without
are sent locally to players within a 50-block radius.
- Messages prefixed with
Profanity Filtering:
- Integrates with an external API to detect and filter profanity in chat messages.
- Configurable fallback using regex patterns when the API is unavailable.
- Adjustable profanity threshold to control sensitivity.
Player-Specific Settings:
- Command to toggle
content filtering for individual players. - Settings are persisted across sessions, ensuring consistent behavior.
- Command to toggle
Customizable Configuration:
- Comprehensive
configuration file to tailor the mod's behavior. - Options to set API endpoints, default settings, regex patterns, and thresholds.
- Comprehensive
Asynchronous Processing:
- Ensures that chat processing does not block the main server thread, maintaining optimal performance.
Hot-Swap Profanity Filtering Modes:
- Switch between
, andapi
profanity filtering modes dynamically during server runtime. - Modes can be changed via configuration file or using the
/chatit mode
- Switch between
Custom Private Messages:
- Replaces default
commands with custom implementations. - Enhanced formatting and additional features for private messaging.
- Replaces default
- Minecraft Server Version: Ensure you have the compatible version of your Minecraft server installed.
- Forge: Install the Minecraft Forge server mod loader compatible with your server version.
- Java: Java 17 or higher is recommended.
Download ChatIT:
- Obtain the latest version of the ChatIT mod from the Releases page.
Install Minecraft Forge Server:
- Download and install Minecraft Forge from the official website.
- Ensure the Forge version matches the one required by ChatIT.
Add ChatIT to Mods Folder:
- Locate your Minecraft server installation directory.
- If the
folder does not exist, create it. - Place the downloaded
file into themods
Start the Server:
- Launch your Minecraft server. ChatIT should be loaded alongside other server-side mods.
- Description: Toggles the
content setting for the player. - Usage:
/chatit adult
- Permissions: Typically restricted to operators or players with specific permissions.
- Effects:
- Enabled (
): The player can send and receive messages containing profanity. - Disabled (
): The player cannot send or receive messages containing profanity.
- Enabled (
- Description: Changes the profanity filtering mode.
- Usage:
/chatit mode (off|regex|api)
- Permissions: Restricted to operators or users with specific permissions.
- Effects:
- off: Disables profanity filtering.
- regex: Uses regex patterns for profanity detection.
- api: Uses external API for profanity detection.
- Description: Replaces the default
commands with enhanced custom private messaging. - Usage:
/w <player> <message>
,/msg <player> <message>
,/tell <player> <message>
- Features:
- Improved message formatting with color coding.
- Additional validations and restrictions.
Global Chat:
- Prefix:
- Description: Messages starting with
are sent to all players on the server. - Example:
!Hello everyone!
- Prefix:
Local Chat:
- Prefix:
- Description: Messages without
are sent to players within a 50-block radius. - Example:
Hello nearby players!
- Prefix:
Error Messages:
- Prefix:
- Description: Displays error messages, such as when a player attempts to send profanity without the required permissions.
- Example:
[ERROR] You cannot send messages with profanity.
- Prefix:
All configurations are managed through the config/chatit.toml
file. Below are the available settings:
# ChatIT Configuration File
# URL of the profanity checking API
host_api = ""
# Default 'adult' value for new players (true/false)
default_adult = false
# Use regex for profanity filtering when API is unavailable (true/false)
regex = true
# Profanity threshold (0.0 - 1.0)
profanity_threshold = 0.5
# Regular expression for profanity detection
profanity_regex = "(?iu)\\b(?:(?:(?:у|[нз]а|(?:хитро|не)?вз?[ыьъ]|с[ьъ]|(?:и|ра)[зс]ъ?|(?:.\\B)+?[оаеи-])-?)?(?:[её](?:б(?!о[рй]|рач)|п[уа](?:ц|тс))|и[пб][ае][тцд][ьъ]).*?|(?:(?:н[иеа]|(?:ра|и)[зс]|[зд]?[ао](?:т|дн[оа])?|с(?:м[еи])?|а[пб]ч|в[ъы]?|пр[еи])-?)?ху(?:[яйиеёю]|л+и(?!ган)).*?|бл(?:[эя]|еа?)(?:[дт][ьъ]?)?|\\S*?(?:п(?:[иеё]зд|ид[аое]?р|ед(?:р(?!о)|[аое]р|ик)|охую)|бля(?:[дбц]|тс)|[ое]ху[яйиеё]|хуйн).*?|(?:о[тб]?|про|на|вы)?м(?:анд(?:[ауеыи](?:л(?:и[сзщ])?[ауеиы])?|ой|[ао]в.*?|юк(?:ов|[ауи])?|е[нт]ь|ища)|уд(?:[яаиое].+?|е?н(?:[ьюия]|ей))|[ао]л[ао]ф[ьъ](?:[яиюе]|[еёо]й))|елд[ауые].*?|ля[тд]ь|(?:[нз]а|по)х)\\b)"
# Profanity filtering mode: off, regex, api
profanity_mode = "api"
# Message displayed when profanity is detected and blocked.
message_adult = "Вы пытаетесь использовать ненормативную лексику в своем сообщении."
# Message displayed when no players are nearby to receive the local message.
message_local = "Вас никто не услышал, поставьте ! перед сообщением."
The external API used for profanity checking must adhere to the following specifications:
Request: Accepts a JSON object with a
field containing the message to be analyzed.{ "text": "your message here" }
Response: Returns a JSON object with a
field containing the floating-point number between 0.0 and 1.0 representing the profanity score of the provided text.