
Operator Enablement resources Website

Primary LanguageHTML

Running opdev.github.io

If you do not have ruby installed, follow these steps:

  1. brew install chruby ruby-install

  2. ruby-install ruby then exit terimal after installation

  3. Open new terminal and chruby 3.1.3

    • troubleshoot by checking out ruby version: ruby -v

Install ruby and development tools (preferably in a [toolbx]*(https://containertoolbx.org) or distrobox container):

sudo dnf install ruby rubygems ruby-devel gcc gcc-c++ rpm-build

Fork and clone the repo:

  1. fork opdev github pages repo
  2. git clone from your forked repo

In opdev.github.io folder, run the steps below to live serve pages:

  1. gem install jekyll bundler (you might need sudo on Fedora)
  2. If desired, add your GEM_HOME to your PATH (example instructions for bash):
echo 'export GEM_HOME="$HOME/gems"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Regenerate all gemspecs if needed:

  1. gem pristine --all

Run Bundler update

  1. bundler update

Run live server:

  1. jekyll serve -l or jekyll serve --drafts to test draft posts.

Submit a Post

Note for Video Submission: Upload your video to Youtube frist and get the `embed` link from YouTube via the share button below the video player.

Create your file in __drafts

  1. Create a Markdown file in the _drafts directory and add your Jekyll-specific front matter (title, date, author, description, categories). Take a look at the _categories folder to see current selection of existing categories that can be chose.

     title: Operator 101
     date: 2022-02-02
     description: A general overview of operators and how to use them.
     categories: documentation
  2. Write your content || Paste the embed link into the body if you are submitting a video

Test your posts and submit a PR

  1. Run jekyll serve --drafts to run your local development server. Check that your post works and looks as desired.
  2. Keep the post in __drafts and commit your changes and submit a pull request for your new post.
  3. Someone from the team will review you request and provide feedback. Once final edits and revisions are made, the article will get approved and merged to __drafts.
  4. Once your PR is merged into __drafts, an admin will review your post once more and create a new PR and merge it into __posts for it to be available live on the site.

File structure breakdown

_categories : contains an auto-generated MDs for individual categories contained in each article for easier organization and collection of articles into groups

_drafts : contains posts that are still in the drafting stage and have not been reviewed by the team for publication yet

_includes : contain code snippets that are included in other files via the {% include scripts.html %} tag

_layouts : contain the default html template structures of the entire site

_pages : contain static sites and will appear as opdev.github.io/static-site.html

_plugins : contain all extra ruby functionality for automated tasks (Github limits custom Jekyll plugins)

_posts : contains posts that have been reviewd by the team and are publicated live on the site

_site : contains all sites and is autogenerated by jekyll and requires no intervention

assests : contain css, fonts, images,& js files

_config.yml : contains route configurations and page layout specifications