
Here we have some basic yet interesting projects of JavaScript.

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Here we have some basic yet interesting projects of JavaScript.

Note: Please add Question File name at the end of url for accessing it. Example: This is opened as default link -> https://its-hrs.github.io/JS-Basics/ Now suppose if u want to see JS_Ques7 then just add 'JS_Ques7' at the end of opened link like-> https://its-hrs.github.io/JS-Basics/JS_Ques7

AJAX Ques7: Store JSON data of few pets that you created in previous practical in a JSON file (copy from console output of previous program to a .json file). Using AJAX, load data from the file and display it in a presentable way using HTML and CSS. Link: https://its-hrs.github.io/JS-Basics/AJAXQues7

JS1: Create a paragraph and 2 buttons. On the click of the first button the colour of the paragraph should change and on the click of second button font size of the paragraph should change. Link: https://its-hrs.github.io/JS-Basics/JS1

JS2: Display an image on the webpage. If the mouse is clicked twice over the image, call a JavaScript function that prompts the user for his age. Do appropriate validation check(s). Display the age that user has entered if a number is entered, otherwise give appropriate alert message. Link: https://its-hrs.github.io/JS-Basics/JS2

JS_Prac1: Write JavaScript code to find sum of series 1/2+3/4+5/6+7/8+….. Take input for number of terms in series in an input textbox. (e.g. - number of terms in the example above is 4). Also write validation script to check whether the input field is not blank and that only numeric values are entered. Link: https://its-hrs.github.io/JS-Basics/JS_Prac1

JS_Prac4: Implement a Static Password Protection. [Correct Username: hellouser & Correct Password: password] Link: https://its-hrs.github.io/JS-Basics/JS_Prac4

JS_Prac5: Create a link in a webpage. When the user hovers over the link, a paragraph should appear below the link telling what the link is about. When the user moves the mouse out of the the link the paragraph should disappear. Link: https://its-hrs.github.io/JS-Basics/JS_Prac5

JS_Prac6: Use setInterval() method of the window object to make an image move from one end of the screen to the other. When the image reaches at the far end of the screen, start the image again from the left end. Link: https://its-hrs.github.io/JS-Basics/JS_Prac6

JS_Ques3: Write a JS code to take a 1-digit numeric input from the user in a text box. As soon as the user enters a value in the textbox and releases the key, and if the entered value is not numeric, show an alert box telling that only numeric values can be entered and move the focus to the same text field. If the entered value is numeric, output the same value. Link: https://its-hrs.github.io/JS-Basics/JS_Ques3

JS_Ques4: Create an HTML page with the sole purpose to show multiplication tables of 2 to 10 (row-wise) created by JavaScript. Initially, the page is blank. With help of setInterval function print a row every 5 seconds in different colors and increasing font size. Link: https://its-hrs.github.io/JS-Basics/JS_Ques4

JS_Ques5: Create an HTML page with a paragraph written on it and under which 9 buttons are placed in a 3X3 grid. The first row is for buttons labeled with colors names Red, Green, and Blue, the second row with numbers 10, 20, 30, and the third row with different font names. Click event of each of the buttons should make the appropriate change in the style of paragraph. Link: https://its-hrs.github.io/JS-Basics/JS_Ques5

JS_Ques6: Create a form that takes data about a pet. The form must be well designed and should accept the pet’s name, age, weight, type, and what it likes most. At the submission of this form create a Pet object in JavaScript filled with these values and log that object and equivalent JSON on the console. Link: https://its-hrs.github.io/JS-Basics/JS_Ques6

JS_Ques7: Create a digital clock using JavaScript which shows the current time Link: https://its-hrs.github.io/JS-Basics/JS_Ques7