
Travel dictionary with reviews, images, coordinates and advance search. This is a MERN stack-based project.


  • Search for top locations, and nearby locations using maps.
  • See stats for a place.
  • Advance search places. (by latitude, longitude and radius)
  • Add location and reviews.
  • Authentication users using OAuth2.0
  • Create a wishlist (bucket list) for favorite locations.
  • Filter and sort in the wishlist.

Run it locally

Clone this project in a local repository

git clone Travera

Open this project in your code editor (Visual Studio Code)

code Travera

To run this project on the development environment.

npm run dev

To run this project in a production environment.

npm run production


  • Integrate vector database like weaviate for image search.


Please feel free to raise issues, and contribute to this project. Also, create different pull requests for each new feature.