GrabFood - Anakin (Assignment)

This is a web scraper to extract the restaurant's data from The scrapping is done using PlaywrightCrawler. The Proxy provider is Bright Data.

Approach and methodology

  • Here it's using a javascript library known as Crawlee. Crawlee handles the javascript-rendered web pages. Using headless browser (Playwright or Puppeteer) and Cheerio for scraping from html. Playwright is very similar to Selenium.
  • Crawlee handles the user-agent and browser fingerprint rotation internally but it can be customized further, It has logger and error handlers as well.
  • This scrapper is highly scalable and can be deployed as an individual actor on Apify.
  • For proxy provider, Bright Data is used. Apify also provides proxy for free but it has some limitations.


  • Error(403) when accessing the website.
  • No Restaurant notice was visible.
  • Not able to get the delivery fee properly.
  • Not able to get the restaurant's latitude and longitude.

Improvements or Optimizations

  • To get the latitude and longitude Google map(SERP API) or Duckduckgo map search can be used.
  • Make the gzip simultaneously when the data is ready using the getData() method.

Quality Control Checklist

  • Environment Variables: Ensure that .env file exists and contains PROXY_USERNAME, PROXY_HOST, and PROXY_PASSWORD.
  • Proxy URLs Generation: Verify the logic for generating unique proxy session URLs and match the expected format for the proxy service.
  • Error Handling: Implement try-catch blocks around potential points of failure, such as network requests and file operations.
  • Resource Management: Verify that the crawler's headless mode is intentionally set to false for debugging or visual monitoring purposes, as this may consume more resources.
  • Permissions: Confirm that the website allows for automated control and interaction, especially for geolocation permissions.
  • Selector Accuracy: Verify that all selectors used ([aria-label="Change delivery address"], input#location-input, etc.) are current and match the elements on the webpage.
  • Error Handling: Add error handling for asynchronous operations, especially web scraping and network requests, to manage timeouts, and missing elements gracefully.
  • Data Integrity: Ensure the logic for extracting restaurant details (name, cuisine, rating, etc.) correctly handles null or undefined cases without causing the entire process to fail.
  • Infinite Scroll Handling: Confirm that the infiniteScroll function efficiently loads all necessary data without causing excessive load times or hitting rate limits.
  • Dataset Usage: Ensure data is being recorded and saved as expected.
  • Data Integrity: After compressing and decompressing, verify that the data integrity is maintained, and no information is lost or corrupted.
  • Efficiency: Compressing and then immediately decompressing the data within the same script for demonstration of the data corruption.
  • Code Organization: Ensure that your code is well-organized and logically structured for readability and maintainability.