
Repository for client side of bachelor project at Prague University of Economics and Business.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Food Square

Social network for food lovers.

Food Square was developed as an open source application as a part of bachelor thesis titled Design and implementation of an open source web application about cooking by David Poslušný at Faculty of Informatics and Statistics of Prague University of Economics and Business.

ℹ️ This bachelor thesis was defended on 31.1.2023 with the grade of 1. Link to the paper can be found here. ℹ️

This repository contains source code of the client side of the application

The other repository that contains the server side of the application can be found here.

⚠️Due to high hosting costs the application is not available online at the moment. To view the application, please clone this repository instead and run the application locally.⚠️



  • Account
    • create account in the application
    • sign in from multiple devices
    • edit your account information
    • upload a profile picture
    • follow other users
  • Recipes
    • create your own recipes
      • add ingredients
      • choose different categories
    • display details about recipe
      • meal type
      • preparation/cooking time
      • instructions
      • categories
      • ingredients and their nutritional values
    • share your recipe between other users
    • add recipes to your favorites
    • filter between recipes based on desired criteria
  • Reviews
    • review other user's recipes
    • display all existing reviews
    • sort between best/worst rated recipes
    • show reviews for a specific recipe
  • Comments
    • add multiple comments to recipes
  • Ingredients
    • display all available ingredients
    • look up specific ingredients
  • Liking
    • like a comment or a review
  • Meal planning
    • get a generated meal plan based on:
      • categories
      • amount of meals
      • desired calories
    • save your meal plan
  • Theming
    • switch between light and dark mode

Built With



Package management

Additional packages

Get Started



Clone the project

git clone https://github.com/itsDaiton/food-square.git

Open the project

cd food-square

Install dependencies

npm install

Configure project variables

  • for local development, configure .env file
  • use http://localhost:8080 as URL, if you're using API of this project and running it locally
  • guide how to locally run the API of this project can be found here.
REACT_APP_API_URL='local api url' 
  • for production, configure .env.production file

Start a local server

npm start

Create a production build

npm run build


  • Create a feature branch for your changes
  • Deploy your code
  • After your development is done, create a pull request


Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome. If you would like to contribute to this project, please see CONTRIBUTING.


Project is distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Application testing was carried out using the Postman software. Collection of all tests can be found here.


You can contact the author of the project under this e-mail.


  • Ing. Vojtěch Růžička