
This is a personal database for keeping track of various commands and their examples.

Quick References:

Dry Run (testing)

--dry-runDry run allows you to construct the transaction without signing or broadcasting. This provides a fee estimate and confirms the rest of your command is constructed correctly. --dry-run can be added to the end of any commands.

Command: ord wallet inscribe --fee-rate <FEE_RATE> --file "FILE" --dry-run
Example: ord wallet inscribe --fee-rate 10 "D:\Files\1.txt" --dry-run

1 Normal Inscription

A standard inscription.

Command: ord wallet inscribe --fee-rate <FEE_RATE> --file "FILE"
Example: ord wallet inscribe --fee-rate 10 "D:\Files\1.txt"

2 Normal Inscription and send to specified address

--destination <ADDRESS> Inscribe and send to specified address.

Command: ord wallet inscribe --fee-rate <FEE_RATE> --file "FILE" --destination <ADDRESS>
Example: ord wallet inscribe --fee-rate 10 --postage 330sats --file "D:\Files\1.txt" --destination bc1pwdreq8nxulu96p2zrxmmfgcnhfg05vlw85clqx22s5qtx9ah9dzshcj4lc

3 Reduced Padding Inscription

Example Inscription padded with 330 sats --postage <POSTAGE>Inscribe with a specified postage for reduced padding (default is 10k sats).

Command: ord wallet inscribe --fee-rate <FEE_RATE> --postage <POSTAGE> --file "FILE"
Example: ord wallet inscribe --fee-rate 10 --postage 330sats --file "D:\Files\1.txt"

4 Inscription with metadata

Example Inscription
--json-metadata <JSON_METADATA>Inscribe with JSON metadata.

Command: ord wallet inscribe --fee-rate <FEE_RATE> --json-metadata <JSON_METADATA> --file "FILE"
Example: ord wallet inscribe --fee-rate 10 --json-metadata "D:\Files\metadata.json" --file "D:\Files\1.txt"

Example Metadata structure
  "title": "Unique Digital Artwork",
  "artist": "Creative Artist",
  "description": "A unique piece of digital art created by Creative Artist.",
  "year": 2023,
  "type": "Digital Art",
  "tags": ["abstract", "colorful", "modern"],
  "limited_edition": true,
  "copy_number": 1,
  "total_copies": 100

5 Provenance Inscription

Example Parent Inscription
--parent <PARENT_INSCRIPTION_ID> Inscribe a file with a specified parent inscription ID.

Command: ord wallet inscribe --fee-rate <FEE_RATE> --parent <PARENT_INSCRIPTION_ID> --file "CHILD_FILE"
Example: ord wallet inscribe --fee-rate 10 --parent b03f8f87e64eeab788ad62c3ffe35e9a875c97ca802ec0ae04d932584acdc475i0 --file "D:\Files\1.txt"

6 Batch Inscription

Example Batch Inscription
--batch "BATCH_FILE" Perform batch inscriptions by specifying a batch file.

Command: ord wallet inscribe --fee-rate <FEE_RATE> --batch "BATCH_FILE"
Example: ord wallet inscribe --fee-rate 10 --batch "D:\Files\batch.yaml"

Batch Transaction

Example .Yaml
# there are two modes:
# - `separate-outputs`: place all inscriptions in separate postage-sized outputs
# - `shared-output`: place inscriptions in a single output separated by postage
mode: separate-outputs

# parent inscription:
parent: cadc6c906fcf340452c7ad40ce59dafb207b685026a18606531534f121d6c301i0

# `inscription`: path to inscription contents
# `metadata`: inscription metadata (optional)
# `metaprotocol`: inscription metaprotocol (optional)
  - file: "D:/Inscriptions/Batch/1.txt"
      title: Batchie
      description: "1"

  - file: "D:/Inscriptions/Batch/2.txt"
      title: Batchie
      description: "2"

  - file: "D:/Inscriptions/Batch/3.txt"
      title: Batchie
      description: "3"

  - file: "D:/Inscriptions/Batch/4.txt"
      title: Batchie
      description: "4"

  - file: "D:/Inscriptions/Batch/5.txt"
      name: "Batchie"
      description: "A unique digital collectible from the Batchie series."
      edition: "5"
        - trait_type: "Background"
          value: "Bitcoin Orange"
        - trait_type: "Color"
          value: "BitGod Blue"
        - trait_type: "Accessory"
          value: "Fomoji Necklace"
        - trait_type: "Mood"
          value: "Contemplative"
      rarity: "Ultra Rare"

7 Inscribe on a specific sat (must have 2 utxos in wallet)

Satpoint example transaction
--satpoint <TXID:OUTPUT:SAT> Create an inscription on a specific sat in your wallet.

Command: ord wallet inscribe --fee-rate <FEE_RATE> --satpoint <TXID:OUTPUT:SAT> --file "FILE"
Example (10th sat in that utxo): ord wallet inscribe --fee-rate 10 --satpoint 5ffab6b75dbfa7830a2d4a8520f13d6c7aa095688616af23c82a4da4c7af2e82:0:10 --file "D:\Files\1.txt"

8 Start indexing with Sat tracking

--index-sats index creates a full sat index allowing the tracking of individual sats. If you already have an index.redb you will need to either rename or delete it first.

Command: ord --index-sats index run