
My personal configuration files

Primary LanguageShell


My personal configuration files

Useful tools to setup

  • Kitty: Fast terminal emulator with interesting features and great color themes readily available

  • Fish: Interactive shell with vim bindings

  • Fusuma: For gesture recognition in Linux

  • VIM: Manually compile the latest version with all patches. Add support for clipboard by installing vim-gtk or vim-gnome

Proxy setup in IIT-KGP

In ubuntu versions above 18.04, setting network proxy in system settings sets the proxy for terminal by default. However, proxy for apt still needs to be setup.

  • Terminal proxy in ubuntu <= 16.04: Add the following to bashrc
export http_proxy=""
export https_proxy=""
  • Apt proxy: Add the following to /etc/apt/apt.conf
Acquire::http::No-Cache true;
Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth 0;
Acquire::http::Proxy "";
Acquire::https::Proxy "";
Acquire::ftp::Proxy "";
Acquire::socks::Proxy "socks://";