
Classifier to identify visual relationships in an image

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


Classifier to identify visual relationships in an image. Furthermore, I have added the code to obtain visual relationships for the VQAv2 dataset. These relationships can be used with models like VLBERT (as in this repo) to improve visual question answering.

Architecture of Visual Relationship Classifier


This architecture is taken from Yao et al. ECCV 2018.


To install all the required libraries, execute the following command.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install the Visual Genome dataset images, objects and relationships from here. Put them in a single folder. The labels in the visual genome dataset are extremely noisy. Use the notebook relationships.ipynb to clean and preprocess the data. This will create four files in the data/ folder.

The data/ folder should have the following structure now.


With the images/ subfolder containing all the visual genome images at one place.


To train the model on 4 GPUs in a distributed data parallel training setting, run

./scripts/dist_run_single.sh 4 vis_rel/train_end2end.py cfgs/vis_rel/frcnn.yml output

The checkpoints will be saved in the outputs/ directory.

You can explore other training options such as single gpu training or data parallel training in the scripts directory.

Creating Visual Relationships for VQAv2 dataset

Setup the data for VQAv2 in the data folder and according to the VL-BERT repo directions. Now, just run the following command

python createVisRel/createVisRel.py

and the visual relationships will be saved in a pickle file under the data/ folder.


The experiments that I have conducted can be found on this wandb link.


A lot of thanks to @jackroos for his repository VL-BERT. It helped me a lot to develop the codebase.