
Customisable Windows 10/11 Microsoft Store App removal utility, previously known as Remove-Win10-Apps.

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

Remove MS Store Apps Utility

Customisable Windows 11/10 Microsoft Store App removal utility, previously known as Remove-Win10-Apps.

For full change log and more information, visit my site.

Remove MS Store Apps Utility is available from:

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Features and Requirements

  • The utility will remove specified apps for the current logged on user.
  • The utility will remove specified provisioned apps from the system.
  • This utility can be used for imaging and OS deployment, as well as single user.
  • The utility requires a text file with a list of the apps to remove.
  • This utility has been tested on Windows 11 and Windows 10.

How to get a list of apps to remove

To create a text file with a list of the apps to remove, run the following and copy and paste the app names you wish to remove into a txt file and save it.

Remove-MS-Store-Apps.ps1 -PCApps

To get a list of apps that are installed for the current user, use this command:

Remove-MS-Store-Apps.ps1 -UserApps

How to find the index number of the image in the wim file

Run the following command to find out what images are present in the wim file:

Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath [path\]install.wim | Format-Table -Property ImageIndex, ImageName

App Names Table

Here is a table of app names in PowerShell and what they relate to in Windows.

PowerShell Display Name App name Windows 10 Notes Windows 11 Notes
Microsoft.549981C3F5F10 Cortana New in 2004 No change
Microsoft.BingNews Microsoft News N/A New in Win 11 21H2
Microsoft.BingWeather Weather No change No change
Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller None No change No change
Microsoft.GamingApp Xbox N/A Name Changed from XboxApp
Microsoft.GetHelp Get Help No change No change
Microsoft.Getstarted Tips No change No change
Microsoft.HEIFImageExtension None No change No change
Microsoft.Messaging Messaging Removed in 2004 Not present
Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer 3D Viewer No change Not present
Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge.Stable Microsoft Edge New in 21H1 No change
Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub Office No change No change
Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection Microsoft Solitaire Collection No change No change
Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes Sticky Notes No change No change
Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal Mixed Reality Portal No change Not present
Microsoft.Paint Paint N/A New in Win 11 21H2
Microsoft.MSPaint Paint 3D No change Not present
Microsoft.Office.OneNote OneNote No change Not present
Microsoft.OneConnect None Removed in 2004 Not present
Microsoft.People People No change No change
Microsoft.PowerAutomateDesktop Power Automate N/A New in Win 11 21H2
Microsoft.Print3D Print 3D Removed in 2004 Not present
Microsoft.ScreenSketch Snip & Sketch No change No change
Microsoft.SecHealthUI None N/A New in Win 11 21H2
Microsoft.SkypeApp Skype No change Not present
Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp None No change No change
Microsoft.Todos Microsoft To Do N/A New in Win 11 21H2
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.4 None N/A New in Win 11 21H2
Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00 None New in 2004 No change
Microsoft.VP9VideoExtensions None No change No change
Microsoft.Wallet None No change Not present
Microsoft.WebMediaExtensions None No change No change
Microsoft.WebpImageExtension None No change No change
Microsoft.Windows.Photos (2) "Photos" and "Video editor" No change No change
Microsoft.WindowsAlarms Alarms & Clock No change No change
Microsoft.WindowsCalculator Calculator No change No change
Microsoft.WindowsCamera Camera No change No change
microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps (2) "Calendar" and "Mail" No change No change
Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub Feedback Hub No change No change
Microsoft.WindowsMaps Maps No change No change
Microsoft.WindowsNotepad Notepad N/A New in Win 11 21H2
Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder Voice Recorder No change No change
Microsoft.WindowsStore Microsoft Store No change No change
Microsoft.WindowsTerminal Terminal N/A New in Win 11 21H2
Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI None No change No change
Microsoft.XboxApp Xbox Console Companion No change Name changed to GamingApp
Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay None No change No change
Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay Xbox Game Bar No change No change
Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider None No change No change
Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay None No change No change
Microsoft.YourPhone Your Phone No change No change
Microsoft.ZuneMusic Groove Music No change No change
Microsoft.ZuneVideo Films & TV No change No change
MicrosoftWindows.Client.WebExperience None N/A New in Win 11 21H2


Here’s a list of all the command line switches and example configurations.

Command Line Switch Description Example
-List The full path to the txt file listing the apps to remove. [path]apps-to-remove.txt
-Wim The full path to the wim file to remove the apps from. [path]install.wim
-WimIndex The index number of the image to operate on. [number]
-WimMountPath The full path to a folder that the wim file should be mounted to. If you do not configure this temp dir will be used. [path]
-PCApps List apps that are currently installed on the system. N/A
-UserApps List apps that are currently installed for the user. N/A
-L The path to output the log file to. [path]
-LogRotate Remove logs produced by the utility older than X days [number]
-NoBanner Use this option to hide the ASCII art title in the console. N/A
-Help Display usage information. No arguments also displays help. N/A


[path\]Remove-MS-Store-Apps.ps1 -List [path\]apps-to-remove.txt

This will remove the apps in the txt file from your Windows installation for all users.