
SteamToys is a steam account switcher and also calculate the steam market fee made with Python/PyQT5

Primary LanguagePython


For Newbies not intrested in source code looking for exe :

  • Compiled Py script can be found on Release download SteamToys.zip launch the SteamToys.exe and enjoy.

Intrested in source code :

  • Download source code or Clone the repo then run the following command

      pip install -r requirements.txt 
  • In order to run it run the following command :

    py path\to\SteamToys.py

    or u can just double click the py file . Make sure to not rename the assets or the ui file.


  • This how the app looks like when its starts. Get's all the account that had been logged in to your computer, and from the ComboBox choose which account u want to switch to without Password or SteamGuard this not gonna work if you haven't checked the Remember Password in the Steamlogin form.
  • This the Fee Calculator Tab name explains it all , it calculate your steam market fee depends on the price you entered in TextBox
  • And it Displays your cut as you entering digits.


Couldn't have done it without using Icons8 collection of icons. And Specially thanks to TcNo for the Inspiration that challenge myself and create this using Python.



Wesley Pyburn


Note :

If you read my code and saw somthing could've done simply make sure to let me know , and as i said above don't move/or rename assets folder(ressource files in Pyqt5 are pain) or Ui file .
Thanks in Advance 🥰 .