
🎮 📝 A curated list of libGDX resources to help developers make awesome games.

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libGDX is a relatively low level, free, open source cross platform game development framework written in Java.

This list is a curated collection of awesome resources, tools, tutorials, and projects using the libGDX game framework to help developers make awesome games, conforming to the Awesome Manifesto.

Contributions very welcome but first see Contributing.



Resources that can be used in libGDX code to boost the framework's capabilities.

Artificial Intelligence

  • gdx-ai - Artificial Intelligence framework featuring Steering Behaviors, Formation Motion, Pathfinding, Behavior Trees and Finite State Machines.


  • Controllers - Adds support to gamepads and joysticks.
  • gdx-controllerutils - Adds Scene2D button input support, user configurable button mappings and hotplugging for LWJGL2.
  • sdl2gdx - Powerful gamepad implementation using SDL. Supports hundreds of controllers under the same mapping, rumble, and hotplugging.

Entity Component System (ECS)

  • Artemis-odb - High performance java based Entity-Component-System framework.
  • Ashley - A Java entity system inspired by Ash & Artemis.


  • Box2D - One of the most popular physics libraries for 2D games.
  • Bullet - 3D Collision Detection and Rigid Body Dynamics Library.


  • gdx-facebook - Provides cross-platform support for Facebook Graph API.
  • gdx-fireapp - Cross-platform API for Firebase.
  • gdx-firebase - Cross-platform (only Desktop/Android) API for Firebase.
  • gdx-gameanalytics - Game Analytics REST API client implementation for libGDX. Works on all backends.
  • gdx-gamesvcs - Easy integration of gameservices, such as Google Play Games, Apple Game Center, and more.
  • gdx-pay - Provides a cross-platform API for InApp purchasing.
  • steamworks4j - A thin wrapper which allows Java applications to access the Steamworks C++ API.

Setup and Deployment

  • gdx-liftoff - A modern setup tool for libGDX that uses the current Gradle 5.x series.
  • Packr - Packages your JAR, assets and a JVM for distribution on Windows, Linux and macOS.

User Interface

  • Freetype - Generate BitmapFonts of your desired size on the fly from lightweight .ttf font files.
  • gdx-dialogs - Provides cross-platform support for native dialogs.
  • gdx-skins - Free Scene2D GUI skins.
  • InGameConsole - Allows a developer to add a console (similar to how it is featured in Source games) to their game.
  • Ray3K Skins - Free Scene2D.UI skins with example code, custom drawables, and experimental features.
  • Skin Composer - Create skins for libGDX scene2d.ui with a graphical interface.
  • TenPatch - An alternative to libGDX's 9patch implementation that implements multiple stretch regions.
  • TypingLabel - A libGDX Label that appears as if it was being typed in real time.
  • VisUI - Allows to create nice looking UI in libGDX using scene2d.ui. Note this is not a UI editor.

Visual Effects

  • Box2DLights - 2D lighting framework that uses Box2D for raycasting and OpenGL ES 2.0 for rendering.
  • libgdx-contribs-postprocessing - A lightweight, GLES2-only library to ease development and inclusion of post-processing effects.
  • Particle Park - A showcase of downloadable particle effects with live previews.
  • Shape Drawer - A performant alternative to ShapeRenderer that avoids Batch flushing.
  • Spine - Skeleton-based animation tool that focuses specifically on 2D animation for games.


  • gdx-jnigen - Small library that allows C/C++ code to be written inline with Java source code.
  • gdxGifRecorder - A utility class that records a GIF and saves it automatically.
  • noise4j - Simple map generators based on various procedural content generation tutorials.
  • Texture Packer GUI - A simple way to pack and manage texture atlases for libGDX game framework.


Tutorials for newbies and seasoned developers alike.

Getting Started



Collection of free and high quality assets to get your game to the next level.

  • Kenney Assets - High quality assets for your game, from 2D and 3D art to sound effects.
  • OpenGameArt.org - Repository offering a variety of open content assets.
  • Game-Icons.net - Repository containing heaps of cool game related graphics.
  • bfxr.net - Quickly create unique sound effects by pressing a few buttons, excellent for prototyping.
  • freesound.org - Huge collaborative database of audio snippets, samples, recordings, bleeps.


Get in touch with other libGDX developers to collaborate and get help.

  • Discord - An active chat with various leaders from the community available every day. Recommended
  • Forum - Official forum with occasional interaction with the libGDX team.
  • Reddit - Unofficial subreddit for libGDX. Not a lot of activity.

Other Lists

Other awesome lists that might be useful to libGDX developers.

  • Game Networking - A Curated List of Game Network Programming Resources.
  • Game Talks - A curated list of gaming talks (development, design, etc).
  • Java - A curated list of awesome Java frameworks, libraries and software.
  • Kotlin - A curated list of awesome Kotlin related stuff.
  • Magic Tools - A list of Game Development resources to make magic happen.
  • Game Accessibility Guidelines - A straightforward reference for inclusive game design, to ensure that games are just as fun for as wide a range of people as possible. Recommended


Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.
