Transcode any audio file to wav with minimal effort. This library is an abstraction to facilitate the use of sox with node.
From this point I will assume that you are using linux
Install SOX comand line utility
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install sox
# support all formats like mp3, ogg, flac
$ sudo apt install libsox-fmt-all
Test with docker node:10.21.0-alpine3.11
$ apk update
$ apk add sox
$ npm i @itsalb3rt/wavefly
const wavefly = require('@itsalb3rt/wavefly');
// test
const inputFilePath = './example_audio/source6.flac';
const outputFilePath = './example_audio/out_audio/out.wav';
const result = wavefly(inputFilePath, outputFilePath);
result.then(response => {
console.log('promisse resolved')
response.on('end', () => {
console.log('Audio transcoding!')
Wait for file transcode using promises
const wavefly = require('@itsalb3rt/wavefly');
const inputFilePath = './example_audio/source6.flac';
const outputFilePath = './example_audio/out_audio/out.wav';
const result = wavefly(inputFilePath, outputFilePath);
const audioTranscode = result.then(response=>{
return new Promise((resolve) => {
response.on('end', () => resolve(true));
response.on('error', () => resolve(false));
}).catch(error => {
// ...
//Watever you want do here after file processing
}).catch(error => {
, an event called end
More options
Optionally you can specify the following parameters;
* @param {string} inputFilePath: path of input audio ./src/example_audio/source6.flac
* @param {string} outputFilePath: path of output audio ./src/example_audio/out_audio/out.wav
* @param {string} outputFileType: by default 'wav'
* @param {Integer} outputSampleRate Set the sample rate in Hz (or kHz if appended with a 'k')
* @param {Integer} outputChannels by default in 1 (mono)
function wavefly(inputFilePath, outputFilePath, outputFileType = 'wav', outputSampleRate = 8000, outputChannels = 1 ){}