
An interactive map PowerBI custom visual for datasets that include a single GeoJSON "type":"Feature" per row.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

NickMap - PowerBI Visual for GeoJSON

This visual will generate an interactive map for the kind of data shown in the following table:

Point_Diameter Label_Txt_1 Label_Txt_2 Line_Width Colour GeoJSON
3 "some" "other" 2 "#FF0000" { "type":"Feature", "geometry":{ ... } }
3 "example" "label" 3 "#FFFF00" { "type":"Feature", "geometry":{ ... } }
4 "data" "stuff" 1 "#FFAA00" { "type":"Feature", "geometry":{ ... } }
... ... ... ... ... ...

PS: If you want to plot features on the Main Roads Western Australia road network based on (ROAD, START_SLK, END_SLK), you may be interested in my other project: https://github.com/thehappycheese/linear_referencing_geocoding_server which will help to generate the GeoJSON column.

The screenshot below shows a typical output: screenshot

Usage Notes

Field Wells

The "field wells" will accept the following data types:

'Field Well' Name Description of accepted columns Data Type Required Max Columns Default Example / Default
GeoJson Feature a single GeoJSON feature per row. Note:
  • "MultiGeometry" is allowed
  • The "properties" field of input data is ignored
  • The coordinate reference system must be EPSG:4326 aka WGS84
Text / GeoJSON Yes 1 none '{ "type":"Feature", "geometry":{ type":"LineString", "coords":[[1,2],[3,4],[...]] } }'
Popup Info columns containing the information to be shown in the popup when a feature is clicked in the map. Any No none -
Colour a single hex formatted colour value per row. Text / Hex formatted colour No 1 "#FF0000" "#00FFFF"
Line Weight (px) a single number per row representing the desired line thickness of any LineString features drawn on the map. Number No 1 1 2
Point Diameter (px) a single number per row representing the desired diameter of any Point features drawn on the map. Number No 1 5 30


The following settings are available:

Settings Page 1 Settings Page 2
settings page 1 settings page 2

Only MetroMap imagery and OpenStreetMap background layers are currently available. Many others could be added if required.

Future Improvements:

Please contact the author to suggest improvements! :)

Some ideas I have are:

  • Improve style options for point data; allow fill and maybe shape to be specified.
    • currently points are drawn as hollow circles with the same line style as LineStrings.
  • Improve style options for polygon data.
  • Make the map remember where you were last zoomed in on future visits to reduce confusion.
  • Integrate with PowerBI's integrated tooltip service which would give users much more flexibility to create custom tooltips.
  • Devise a way to generate colour categories using PowerBI's built in colour theme
    • This would alleviate the user from having to add a column to generate hex colour strings (not easy!)
    • This would reduce flexibility quite a lot though... I have no idea what colouring strategies the user might want; gradients, categories, bands etc.?
  • Don't hard-code layers into the visual, instead use a text input in the settings menu to allow entering the URL of the desired map services.

Development Requirements

To work on this project the following are needed:

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Make sure npm (node package manager) is installed - Note this happens as part of the Node.js installation process and you should not need to do anything.
  3. Open a terminal and install pbiviz npm install pbiviz
  4. Install the pbiviz certificate pbiviz --install-cert following this guide: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/developer/visuals/create-ssl-certificate
  5. Clone or download this repo and open a terminal in the same folder where package.json is found
  6. run npm install to automatically download all dependencies. This should create a folder called node_modules
  7. Configure 'environments' (see section below)
  8. run pbiviz start
  9. Follow microsoft documentation to preview the developer mode visual https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/developer/visuals/visuals-how-to-debug
  10. Install the secrets.json file as described below.
    • To make this visual compile, you must create a file inside the ./src/ directory called .secrets.json.
    • A template file is provided called .secretes.example.json which shows what should be in this file.
    • This is necessary to avoid uploading the map service URLs and API keys used by the layers in this visual.