🐍 >>>>>

Primary LanguageHaxe

Python is The Best

What the hell is this?

My friend was talking trash about Python, so I made him this game as a joke lol

Can I play?

Yeah sure, I don't care 😅

How can I play this garbage game?

Not sure why you'd want to, but if you really wanna:

1) Install Haxe, Haxeflixel & its dependencies.

2) Clone this repository.

3) Run:

$ python3 -B build.py
# Use --debug to build in debug mode.
# Use --release to build in release mode.
# Add --run to run the game after building.

Or just press F5 if you're using VSCode.

NOTE: You need Python 3.10 or higher as the code uses match-case syntax.

And boom, you're good to go!