
An old work for university class which demonstrates a 15-puzzle game

Primary LanguageC#

Game Of Fifteen

An old work for university class which demonstrates a 15-puzzle game



  • Windows Form Application (sorry about that :D)
  • MVP Architecture Pattern

How to solve the 15 puzzle

This video will help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtXE08bOVZM

I should warn you when you complete the game this is the only thing you're gonna get:

public void PuzzleCompleted()
        MessageBox.Show("YOU WON");

so play at your own risk.


For implementation you need to know these three:

  • How to divide an image into n pieces
  • How to shuffle the puzzle
  • Determine if the player won the game or not

Divide an image into n pieces

public static Image[] ImageDivider(Image img, int puzzle_width)
    int puzzle_size = puzzle_width * puzzle_width;
    Image[] imgs = new Image[puzzle_size];
    img = ResizeImage(img, new Size(puzzle_width_pixel, puzzle_width_pixel)); //send to resize function
    int puzzle_width_size = puzzle_width_pixel/puzzle_width; // define Size of each Puzzle Pieces
    for (int i=0; i<puzzle_size; i++)
        imgs[i] = new Bitmap(puzzle_width_size, puzzle_width_size);
        var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(imgs[i]);
        img, new Rectangle(0, 0, puzzle_width_size, puzzle_width_size),
        new Rectangle( (i%puzzle_width) * puzzle_width_size, (i/puzzle_width) * puzzle_width_size, puzzle_width_size, puzzle_width_size),GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
    return imgs;

Shuffle the puzzle

public void ShufflePuzzleValues()
    List<int> numberlist = new List<int>();
    for (int i=0; i<puzzle_map.Length; i++)

    Random random = new Random();
    for (int i=0; i<puzzle_width; i++)
        for (int j=0; j<puzzle_width; j++)
            int randIndex = random.Next(0, numberlist.Count);
            puzzle_map[i, j] = numberlist[randIndex];
            //find empty spot index
            if (puzzle_map[i, j] == puzzle_map.Length - 1)
            empty_index = i * puzzle_width + j;

Check if the player won or not

public bool isPuzzleComplete()
    for (int i=0; i< puzzle_width; i++)
        for (int j=0; j<puzzle_width; j++)
            int index = i * puzzle_width + j;
            if (puzzle_map[i, j] != index)
                return false;
    return true;