
Developing a Brain Atlas through Deep Learning

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

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SeBRe 2.0 PyTorch support (2023 - New)!

SeBRe (Segmenting Brain Regions) is a high-throughput Mask R-CNN [1]-based toolbox to generate brain atlas through deep learning by instance segmentation of complex brain regions.

arXiv preprint: SeBRe

The Colab version of SeBRe is available here to train and test on your custom dataset: Open In Colab

SeBRe 1.0 TensorFlow support!


Clone the SeBRe repository by running the following command in your terminal window:

git clone https://github.com/itsasimiqbal/SeBRe.git

Additionally, download the (.zip) files by visiting the following link:


You would need DATASETSubmit.zip, myDATASET.zip and SeBRe_FINAL_WEIGHTS.h5.zip to run the code in your machine. If you'd like to use the mouse and human brain atlas datasets used in our paper then also download and unzip SeBRe_Datasets.zip. Once you've downloaded your files then unzip them in your folder by running the following commands:

unzip DATASETSubmit.zip
unzip myDATASET.zip
unzip SeBRe_FINAL_WEIGHTS.h5.zip

Following are the Python/library versions on which the SeBRe 1.0 code is tested to work fine:

  • Python (3.5.2)
  • Tensorflow (1.6.0)
  • Keras (2.1.6)
  • skimage (0.13.0)
  • Numpy (1.13.3)
  • Scipy (1.2.2)

SeBRe demo:

The block diagram of our system is demonstrated below:

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Run the notebook SeBRe_FINAL.ipynb to reproduce the results in SeBRe's paper. Make sure to install the necessary libraries in your machine before running the code. A step-by-step explanation of feature processing in SeBRe is provided in SeBRe_feature_processing.ipynb notebook.

To train SeBRe on your (custom) dataset:

1. Collect images of brain regions (or sub-regions) and place each of them in a separate folder with the following naming convention e.g. section_img_0.jpg, section_img_1.jpg, ...

2. Draw ground-truth (binary) masks on Regions of Interest (ROIs) e.g. cortex, hippocampus, etc. using an annotation software such as Napari [2] and assign a unique color code to each ROI. In the figure below, mouse brain section is shown before (a) and after (d) annotation by human expert. A zoomed-in examples of cortex (b) and hindbrain (c) are shown to precisely match the boundaries of masks with the corresponding ROIs. alt text

3. Run the notebook custom_dataset_create.ipynb to generate the binary (black and white) masks to train SeBRe deep neural network (DNN). The notebook will generate the file names in SeBRe-readable format, place them in the brain region corresponding folders e.g. section_masks_0/section_masks_0_m_1.png, sections_masks_0_m_2.png, ...

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4. Modify and run the notebook SeBRe_training.ipynb to train the SeBRe DNN on your (custom) dataset.

5. Modify and run the notebook SeBRe_FINAL.ipynb to test the SeBRe DNN on your (custom) dataset.


[1] https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.06870

[2] https://napari.org/


If you use any part of this code for your work, please cite the following:

Asim Iqbal, Romesa Khan, and Theofanis Karayannis. "Developing a brain atlas through deep learning." 
Nature Machine Intelligence 1.6 (2019): 277-287.