
A React boilerplate for FiveM, with Lua to easily set up a React project with Typescript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A React boilerplate for FiveM, with Lua.


Use this: https://github.com/project-error/fivem-react-boilerplate-lua

Consider this repo archived and no longer maintained.


This repo is rather deprecated than anyhting. I recommend you use https://github.com/itschip/fivem-react-webpack5 instead.

Usage and installation

To use the boilerplate, clone or download the repo, and add it to your resource folder.


Run yarn or npm install in the web folder to install node_modules. This will make it possible to build and watch the files. So you can either develop in the browser and build a production build to use in the server.

If you have not installed yarn, or node for that sake, the links are below.

Yarn: (https://yarnpkg.com/getting-started/install)
Node: (https://nodejs.org/en/)


If you change resource name, change the resource to match your resource name.

<NuiProvider resource="react-fivem-lua-boilerplate">
  <App />


To open in the browser run yarn/npm run start.


To build the NUI, after you have installed node_modules, you run yarn run build:resources, or npm run build:resources if you installed node_modules with npm


Register a nui event

Nui part


import { useRecoilValue } from 'recoil';
import { coreState } from './state';

export const useVisibility = () => {
  const visibility = useRecoilValue(coreState.visibility);
  return { visibility }

This creates the custom hook and uses the state from coreState states

import { atom } from 'recoil';

export const coreState = {
  visibility: atom({
    key: 'coreStateHidden',
    default: true

Then if you want to write to the state from client side, you need to create, what I like to call, a service for the hooks. Here is how it's done.

import { useSetRecoilState } from 'recoil';
import { useVisibility } from './useVisibility';
import { coreState } from './state';
import { useNuiEvent } from '../../nui-events/hooks/useNuiEvent';

export const useCoreService = () => {
  const setShowHide = useSetRecoilState(coreState.visibility);
  // You can change these strings to whatever you wish :)
  useNuiEvent("REACTNUI", "setVisibility", setShowHide);
  return useVisibility()

REACTNUI is the app, setVisibility is the method and setShowHide is the state you want to write to.

This is done so you can keep your SendNuiMessages more organizied.

Lua part

-- Example of how it works. Look at the `useCoreService`, and the nui function in `nui-events`

RegisterCommand('show:nui', function(source, args, rawCommand)
    app = "REACTNUI",
    method = "setVisibility",
    data = true
end, false)

There you go, if something is wrong, leave a issue for me to look at. Have fun!