
A little challenge I took from freeCodeCamp's React framework course. (But actually did it with Vue.js)

Primary LanguageVue

Markdown Previewer

So I made this challenge that I think it's on freeCodeCamp's website but they want you to solve it with React. Here we are setting it up with Vue.js because I wanted to share with you people how easy it is to work with Vue.

Some things that might be useful for new devs

So here I'm using the vue-markdown component so it's easier for me to make this little app work. Remember that we don't have to reinvent the wheel! Altough this component specifically its outdated (no recent changes on this repository) I opted on using it just because it's a really simple thing and it didn't bring me any problems (well.. Actually it did, but more of later lol)

About the workflow

Keep in mind this is a really simple application. I just wanted to share with you guys how easy it is to work with Vue.js (I know, I'm repeating myself here) and also make you want to go and Google things out for yourself. I encountered myself on this project with a weird error (on the vue-markdown component) that said that I should install babel runtime. I found this weird because I didn't saw any of this reference in all of their documentation. I found the solution to this error just searching on the Issues tab on the same repository. Always look here first if you encounter some problems on something you're using (if its available)

Hope you guys enjoy this little app, and if you have any questions for me don't hesitate on asking me!

List of commands for setup

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.