ProxyList JS SDK


With Yarn:

$ yarn add proxylist-js-sdk

With NPM:

$ npm install proxylist-js-sdk


Searching "Hello World" in Google using proxyFetch()

import ProxyList from 'proxylist-js-sdk'

const googleUrl = ''
const proxyList = new ProxyList('123', {
    included_text: "hello world",
    url: googleUrl

 * Testing node fetch test.
const nodeFetchTest = async () => {
    let response = await proxyList.proxyFetch(googleUrl, {})
    let responsePayload = await response.text()
    console.log({ responsePayload })

// Executing the script.

Searching "Hello World" in Google using puppeteer

import ProxyList from 'proxylist-js-sdk'
import puppeteer from 'puppeteer'

 * Testing puppeteer request.
const puppeteerTest = async () => {

    const googleUrl = ''
    const proxyList = new ProxyList('123', {
        included_text: "hello world",
        url: googleUrl

    let oneProxy = await proxyList.getOneProxy()
    let proxyAndPort = `${oneProxy?.ip}:${oneProxy?.port}`

    const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: false, args: [`--proxy-server=${proxyAndPort}`] });
    const page = await browser.newPage();
    await page.goto(googleUrl);
    await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });

    await browser.close();
