
.dotfiles ( Use With GNU Stow & Ansible )

Primary LanguageVim Script

Dotfiles Old


  • Distro: Arch
  • Color Scheme: catppuccin mocha
  • Window Manager: I3
  • Bar: Polybar
  • Shell: Fish
  • Terminal: Kitty
  • Display Manager: Ly
  • Lockscreen Manager: I3locks
  • IDE: VSCode, Nvim
  • Launcher: dmenu
  • Notification Daemon: dunst
  • Cursor: Capitaine cursors

Installation Guide

  1. Install the all the necessary Packages:

    i3, dunst, i3blocks, kitty, neofetch, nvim, polybar
  2. Clone this repo and move into the directory

    git clone https://github.com/itsdevdeepak/.dotfiles.git && cd .dotfiles

    Note: make sure your .dotfiles directory is in your home directory

  3. Run the stow command to link dotfiles to your home directory

      show .