
A Julia package for the Generalized Quantum Episodic Memory model

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


This repository constains Julia code for the Generalized Quantum Episodic Memory (GQEM) model of item recognition. In the recognition memory task, subjects study a list of words. In the test phase, three types of words are presented: old words from the study list, new but semantically related words, and new but unrelated words. Subjects are given four sets of instructions

  1. gist: respond "yes" to semantically related words (G)
  2. verbatim: respond "yes" to old (i.e. studied) words (V)
  3. gist + verbatim: respond "yes" to semantically related and old words (GV)
  4. unrelated: respond "yes" to unrelated words (U)

The law of total probability is violated in experiments, such that Pr(G) + Pr(V) > P(GV). Similarly, the judgments are subadditive: Pr(G) + Pr(V) + Pr(U) > 1. These effects emerge in the GQEM because the memory representations are incompatible, meaning they are represented with different, non-orthogonal bases and evaluated sequentially. As a result, LOTP and additivity do not necessarily hold.


To install from the REPL, use ] to switch to the package mode and enter the following:

add https://github.com/itsdfish/QuantumEpisodicMemory.jl


Switch to help mode in the REPL with and type a function name, such as rand, pdf, logpdf, compute_preds, GQEM, to_table. For example,

help?> GQEM
search: GQEM



    •  θG: angle in radians between the verbatim and gist bases

    •  θN: angle in radians between the verbatim and new unrelated bases

    •  θψO: angle in radians between the verbatim basis and the initial state for old words

    •  θψR: angle in radians between the verbatim basis and and the initial state for related new words

    •  θψN: angle in radians between the verbatim basis and and the initial state for new unrelated words


  Trueblood, J. S., & Hemmer, P. (2017). The generalized quantum episodic memory model. Cognitive Science, 41(8), 2089-2125.


using QuantumEpisodicMemory

# basis rotation parameters relative to the standard verbatim
# basis, V
θG = -.12
θN = -1.54
θψO = -.71
θψR = -.86
θψU = 1.26

dist = GQEM(;θG, θN, θψO, θψR, θψU)
preds = compute_preds(dist)

table = to_table(preds)

# violation of LOPT
sum(table[["gist","verbatim"],:], dims=1)

table["gist+verbatim", :]'


Trueblood, J. S., & Hemmer, P. (2017). The generalized quantum episodic memory model. Cognitive Science, 41(8), 2089-2125.