- Check the similar exists for designs
- Design blueprint paper on paper as we may or may not get UX Mocks
- Breakdown our idea into smaller components and identify which components are repeating
- Create generic resiable componets and put them in proper place
- Identify the components for each purpose
- We have to decide which component should be parent and which is child - Hiereachy of the components depending on functionality under discussion
- Deciding whether to use stateful or stateless components depending upon use case - Improves perfornace by trying to have staeless componets as pure components
- Defining File structure. Creating a readme.md file for documentation
- Deciding routes for the whole website
- camelCase for folderNames
- PascalCase for React components
- camelCase for normal other js files
- Formatted code prettierrc.js
- Every component should be with in a folder(component name) with index.jsx and styles.jsx
- User prettier and .prettierrec.js for code formatting
MERN(MongoDB, Express, React, Node)
In case any student would like to use any other technology please disucss first with tutor first