DeScratchOff Card- Chainlink Fall 2022

A digital scratch card Dapp where users can win prizes by matching 3 images


  • React
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Node.js
  • Hardhat
  • Ether.js
  • (Store images for the digital scratch card on IPFS)
  • Covalent API (Get NFT token IDs for contract using Covalent API)
  • NFTPort API (Mint the NFT of the digital scratch card on Polygon for free using Easy Mint API)
  • Chainlink VRF (Determine if the user won something from digital scratch card )
  • Lighthouse (Store digital scratch card's cover on IPFS forever)
  • Gasless SDK (Gasless transactions for redeeming digital scratch card)
  • Unstoppable Domains Login

Running the dapp on local host

  • Clone or download this repository
  • Run npm i to install the dependencies
  • Create a file called '.env' on the root folder and add the following code
  • Run npx hardhat run scripts/sample-script.js --network mumbai to deploy contract

  • Create a file called 'config.js' on the src folder and add the following code

export const NFT_STRORAGE_APIKEY = <KEY>;
export const NFTPORT_APIKEY = <KEY>;
export const BICONOMY_APIKEY = <KEY>;
export const UNSTOPPABLEDOMAINS_CLIENTID = "< Your Unstoppable Domains Client Id >";
export const UNSTOPPABLEDOMAINS_REDIRECT_URI = "< Your Unstoppable Domains Redirect URL >";
  • Run npm start to start the dapp