📘 A comprehensive handbook on how to create transformers for TypeScript with code examples
Pinned issues
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TypeScript 5.0 unfortunately breaks most examples
#30 opened by tmcw - 1
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ts.create... is deprecated, now is recommanded to use ts.factory.create...
#28 opened by HardCoreQual - 17
#2 opened by bendtherules - 1
How can I share a custom argument from a user's `tsconfig.json` to my custom plugin?
#26 opened by aloisdg - 0
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General question with focus on bindings
#21 opened by LukasMachetanz - 1
Binder Link on is not working!
#17 opened by SerkanSipahi - 0
Usage question: Following imports
#20 opened by stijnbernards - 0
Found this article about working with comments
#19 opened by leidegre - 4
Usage question: Changing type checking of operators
#15 opened by cshaa - 1
Usage question: Modifying Nodes & Symbols
#14 opened by LukasMachetanz - 1
Usage question: Modify class prototype
#16 opened by LukasMachetanz - 6
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Usage question: Adding a child node
#12 opened by LukasMachetanz - 3
Question ts-creator
#9 opened by LukasMachetanz - 0
To align remove-node example with
#10 opened by oscard0m - 0
#6 opened by itsdouges