
Conway's Game of Life represented on simple Java GUI using awt.swing

Primary LanguageJava

GameOfLife [Version 2.0]

Conway's Game of Life represented on simple Java GUI using awt.swing components: This is entirely helpful for practicing learnt Design patterns and OOP principles. Further information can be found: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life

2.0 - Added counter function, and board "game" will end once all cells are dead (thus timer and counter stops).

Run GOLApp:
Either select cells using mouse and pressing START (or just pressing START and randomized cells will start). Can also pause the current cycle of cells, and reset functions work. Will work on counter span, and overall customization of cells at runtime. *Also implemented different behaviours of cells: living patterns, size of cells, time of cell refresh (default 50ms)

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Have fun!