
Nix flake for Solana development

Primary LanguageNix

Solana Nix Flake

This is repository contains Nix Flake for Solana development.

How to use

Add this repo to your inputs and reference it in your devShell.


Top level flake

Copies and combines the following with the correct directory structure:

  • patched cargo-build-bpf
  • Solana provided BPF Rust and LLVM packages
  • Solana CLI tools

Patched cargo-build-bpf

cargo-build-bpf utility is provided as part of Solana CLI zip.
But the default version has a quirk: it downloads the latest version of Solana BPF Tools (patched Rust & LLVM packages) to ~/.cache regardless of whether one already exists at the path provided by --bpf-sdk or $BPF_SDK_PATH.
So we patch the install_if_missing() function to do nothing.
Despite the name, it will download and install the BPF Tools whether it's missing or not.
Then in the top level flake, we are copying over our BPF Tools at the default location expected by cargo-build-bpf.


Downloaded from Github releases and autopatchelfd


Downloaded from Github releases and autopatchelfd

Known Issues

  • Consumes twice the disk space. We defined solana-cli, solana-bpf-tools and cargo-build-bpf as separate flakes.
    They will take up space in /nix/store as they are built.
    Then we are copying over all of them to a single package in the top-level flake.
    This will create a new folder in /nix/store and consume equal amounts of space.
    Any help is appreciated to help tackle this problem 🙏 .

  • Only works on x86_64-linux. Currently I only have access to a 64bit Linux system. Issue/PR is welcome.