ChatCord App

This is the repository for my submission for the SDSLabs Makers' 2022.


ChatCord is a realtime chat app with websockets using Node.js, Express and with Vanilla JS on the frontend with a custom UI In addition to connecting to rooms for chatting, users can also record and attach videos from the webcam-feed to their messages.


  • User friendly interface with easy to access functions and buttons.
  • Fast execution speed for functions and APIs.
  • Realtime chat web-app where user can join and connect to multiple rooms.
  • Users can also record and attach videos(max-5 seconds) to their messages in chats.

How To Start

  • Clone the repository to your local system using git clone -b along with branch name and SSH Key.
  • Run the terminal in that folder and install all necessary packages using npm install.
  • Use the command npm start in the terminal.
  • Go to localhost:3000.
  • Choose a Username and a Room to proceed.
  • Voila, you're good to go!


Gurmannat Sohal