
Infrastructure projects for GS UI Team

Primary LanguageCSS

Build Status

To set up projects like this one do the following:

  1. Install ruby (I used 1.8)
  2. gem install compass
  3. install node
  4. npm -g install yo (this installs grunt and bower as well).
  5. npm -g install generator-express-angular
  6. Create an empty project in github
  7. cd to that project
  8. run yo express-angular

tweaks made to the "express-angular" template

  1. I modified some "src" tags from "component/..." to "bower_component/..." - seems like a minor bug.

Working with this project

  1. grunt server - runs the server with "watch" capabilities (it reloads when you change the scss files).
  2. IDEs should ignore the following folders
  3. dist
  4. .tmp
  5. .sass-cache
  6. node_modules

Adding new angular items

To add new angular items such as "directive" or "controller" etc.. You need to use yeoman generators. Since we used "https://npmjs.org/package/generator-express-angular" to generate this project you can freely use all supported generators for angular.

For example - a new directive should be made with yo angular:directive myDirectiveName

This will create the directive file and a test file.

Remote debug

Thanks to stackoverflow's answer http://stackoverflow.com/a/13443026/1068746

You can easily remote debug node with the flag --debug-brk.

Since Grunt is usually executed directly grunt args - to debug it you need to do node --debug-brk /full/path/to/grunt myTask