deSAMBA: fast and accurate classification of metagenomics long reads with sparse approximate matches

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


deSAMBA: fast and accurate classification of metagenomics long reads with sparse approximate matches

Table of Contents

  1. Dependency
  2. Quick start
  3. Introduction
  4. Memory usage
  5. Build project
  6. Build index
  7. Run classifation
  8. Run analysis
  9. Demo datat


Jelly fish depends on g++, make, automake and libtool; deSAMBA depend on zlib.

Run following commands to install them (Ubuntu).

sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
sudo apt-get install automake
sudo apt-get install libtool
sudo apt-get install make
sudo apt-get install g++

Quick start

git clone https://github.com/hitbc/deSAMBA.git --depth=1
cd ./deSAMBA
bash ./build
bash ./build-index ./demo/viral-gs.fa ./demo_index
./bin/deSAMBA classify -t 4 ./demo_index ./demo/ERR1050068.fastq -o ./ERR1050068.sam
#analysis (by base pair number)
./bin/deSAMBA analysis ana_meta_base ./ERR1050068.sam ./demo/nodes.dmp
#analysis (by read number)
./bin/deSAMBA analysis ana_meta ./ERR1050068.sam ./demo/nodes.dmp


DeSAMBA(de Bruijn graph-based Sparse Approximate Match Block Analyzer) is a tailored long read classification approach using a novel sparse approximate match-based pseudo alignment algorithm. Benchmarks on real datasets demonstrate that deSAMBA enables to simultaneously achieve fast speed and good classification yields, which outperforms state-of-the-art tools and has many potentials to cutting-edge metagenomics studies.

Memory usage

DeSAMBA fits modern servers and the peak memory footprint depends on the size and complexity of reference genome. Memory used for building index is bigger than running classification, so you can build index in a server with big memory and distribute the index in a small one. For option "all"(see build index options part for detail), 160 Gigabytes memory is required to build index, and 69 Gigabytes to run classification (Nov 2018, 35 Gigabytes of reference genome). For option "viral", 3 Gigabytes memory is required to build index, and 1 Gigabytes to run classification. As NCBI RefSeq database growing fast, more memory mey be required at present.

Build project

To build Jellyfish(v1.10) and deSAMBA

git clone https://github.com/hitbc/deSAMBA.git --depth=1
bash ./build

Build index


build-index <REF_DIR> <index_dir>


   <ref_file>  FILE    "all""viral" OR [file] of reference sequences.
   <IDX_DIR>   FOLDER  folder to store index.

all: Using lastest NCBI RefSeq bacteria+viral+archaea database.

viral: Using lastest NCBI RefSeq viral database.

[file]: Otherwise using user defined reference sequences[.fa], storing them in one file. When you have more than one files, combined them into one. using command:

        find fasta_file_dir/ -name "*.fasta"   | xargs -n 1 cat > WGS_FILE.fa

to combined mulity fasta files into one.

When building index for user-defined reference files, reference files must start with:" >tid|one_taxonomy_ID|", like ">tid|285013|ref|NC_006268.1". Please add "tid|taxonomy_ID|" after ">" at each reference genome. When you do not follow this format, there maybe some wrong when you running "analysis" step. In linux, using command:

      sed -i "s/^>/>tid|TAXID|ref|/" one_genome.fasta

for each file to add the string.


Run "build-index" to build index, one of following three commands can be chosen

bash build-index all ./index_dir
bash build-index viral ./index_dir
bash build-index [file].fa ./index_dir

Run classifation

/bin/deSAMBA classify -t 4 ./index_dir read.fastq -o result.sam
  Usage:     deSAMBA  classify  [Options] <IndexDir> [ReadFiles.fa][...]
    <IndexDir>      FOLDER   the directory contains deSAMBA index
    [ReadFiles.fa]  FILES    reads files, FASTQ(A) format, separated by space
    -h,             help
    -t, INT         number of threads[4]
    -l, INT         minimum matching length(will be ignored when classifying short NGS reads)[170]
    -r, INT         max Output number of secondary alignments[5]
    -o, FILE        output results into file [stdout]
    -s, FILE        MIN score(count by the number of 9-mer matches)[64]
    -f, STR         output format, one of:
                    - SAM: SAM without SEQ and QUAL, default
                    - SAM_FULL: normal SAM
                    - DES: smallest format
                    - DES_FULL: all results will be showed, ignore '-r' option

Increasing "-l" and "-s" options will increase accuracy but decrease sensitivity. [read.fastq] can be long noisy reads(error rate < 30%) or short NGS reads.

SAM format results contain " [read name] [flag] [reference name] [position in referece] [MAPQ] [CIGAR]" in each record line.

deSAMBA may out put "SECONDARY" or "SUPPLEMENTARY" results when read is mapped to more than one reference place.

CIGAR part of result only contains 'M', 'S', 'H' for matching, soft clip and hard clip, and 'X', 'I' and 'D' are all combined into 'M'. "AS:i:" part in SAM format results means alignment score, which is counted by the number of 9-mer matches.

Run analysis

The analyzer output result in taxonomy tree format. We provide two modes to analysis the results.

One is analysising by base numbers. The analyzer counts all base pairs in each taxonomy, then divides the results by total mapped base numbers.

The other is by read numbers. The analyzer counts all reads int each taxonomy, then divides the results by total read number(include unmapped reads).

When one read mapped to more than one positions in references, only "PRIMARY" results (results with most alignment scores) will be used to analysis.

./download taxnomy #download node.dmp
#analysis (by base pair number)
./bin/deSAMBA analysis ana_meta_base ./result.sam ./nodes.dmp 
#analysis (by read number)
./bin/deSAMBA analysis ana_meta ./result.sam ./nodes.dmp 

Demo data

We use part of viral whole genome sequences as demo reference(NCBI viral reference sequences, AUG 2018). And ERR1050068.fastq (Zaire ebolavirus, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/ERR1050068, tid = 186538) as demo meta-genomic data set. Besides, we provide nodes.dump (AUG 2018) to running analysis.

cd demo
cd ..
#build index
bash ./build-index ./demo/viral-gs.fa ./demo_index
./bin/deSAMBA classify -t 4 ./demo_index ./demo/ERR1050068.fastq -o ./ERR1050068.sam
./bin/deSAMBA analysis ana_meta_base ./ERR1050068.sam ./demo/nodes.dmp