
new twitter without the fascists

Primary LanguageTypeScript


new twitter without the fascists


Install Node Version Manager, and Docker Desktop.

To get started with local development, run the following command,

$ make dev

To terminate the detached background resources, such as mongodb and redis, run the following command after you terminate the make dev command,

$ make stop-dev-resources

NPM Workspace

Chirp is broken up into reusable npm packages with npm workspaces.

All Chirp packages are prefixed with @chirp. To install a Chirp package in another Chirp package, run the following command,

$ npm install @chirp/to-install --workspace @chirp/install-into

# For example, to install @chirp/types into @chirp/lib-node
$ npm install @chirp/types --workspace @chirp/lib-node

When installing third-party modules, some packages are kept in the global space (eg: Typescript), but some are only installed within a Chirp package.

# Install a package for all Chirp packages
$ npm install package-name

# Install for just a single Chirp package
$ npm install package-name --workspace @chirp/package-name

You can run one off commands on a package or against all of them,

$ npm run build --workspace @chirp-package-name
$ npm run build --workspaces

However, if you want to run multiple commands in parallel, you'll need to use a custom CLI tool.

$ ./cli/index.js --command run-all --npm dev