
My resume.

Primary LanguageHTML


My resume (PDF) is created from a one-file HTML page in this repo.

I have several scripts in scripts/ that help out:

  • install-git-hooks.sh: Installs the Git hooks for the repo. Run once after cloning.
    • pre-commit: Checks that lint and prettify has been run and that the PDF is up-to-date (does not overwrite anything). Will also run wording-check.sh without --broad.
  • create-pdf.sh: Creates resume.pdf using headless Chrome. Use --check to just check to see if resume.pdf matches index.htm.
  • lint-and-prettify.sh: Lints and prettifies the scripts and HTML. Use --check to just check to see if there are any lint problems and if prettify would make any changes.
  • wording-check.sh: Sends the resume to ChatGPT for spell checking and grammar. Use --broad to get broader, more general advice (see scripts/openai/*-prompt.md for prompts).

When I'm working on my resume, I will use my serve utility to give me a live-reloading web server.