
CLI time tracking with a plain-text log format.

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timcol helps you track your time in a plaintext format compatible with Ledger-CLI. Similar tools exist within the plain text accounting ecosystem.

It can help you generate basic HTML or CSV invoices and even give them live updates via the flexible upload (sync) command.


Releases are available on PyPI. In descending order of preference, I recommend installing it using uv, pipx, or pip:

  1. uv tool install timcol
  2. pipx install timcol
  3. pip install timcol

Trying Out timcol

Try some timcol commands to get a feel for how to use it:

$ timcol start Client1 "Writing email"
$ timcol cancel
-i 2024/07/29 04:28:21 PM Client1  Writing email
$ timcol backfill Client1 "Writing email" "3 hours ago" 15m
$ timcol start Client1 "Setting up project skeleton."
$ timcol swap Client1 "Implementing milestone 1"
$ timcol stop
$ timcol resume 
$ timcol reg
timestamp          duration    account    task
-----------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------------------
Jul 29 @ 01:30 PM  0:15:00     Client1    Writing email
Jul 29 @ 04:30 PM  0:00:15     Client1    Setting up project skeleton.
Jul 29 @ 04:30 PM  0:00:20     Client1    Implementing milestone 1
Jul 29 @ 04:31 PM  0:00:17*    Client1    Implementing milestone 1
Jul 29 SUBTOTAL    0:15:52
TOTAL TIME         0:15:52

Run timcol edit to open up the ledger file for direct editing.

Configuring timcol

Depending on your preferences, you may want to set up a central git repo for your ledger file. You can do this by setting TIMCOL_HOME in your .bashrc, .bash_profile, or equivalent file.

export TIMCOL_HOME=/Users/johnsullivan/personal/timekeeping-ledger

You may also want to alias or symlink timcol to a shorter name, like t. If you want to use an alias to do this, timcol has an environmental variable TIMCOL_NAME you can set so that --help text matches the aliased name:

alias t='TIMCOL_NAME=t timcol'

Full Help Output

usage: timcol [-h] [-f FILE] {edit,register,reg,csv,html,start,swap,backfill,resume,stop,cancel,upload,sync,log-path} ...

Tracks time in a plaintext ledger format compatible with Ledger-CLI.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  Location of log file. Defaults to $TIMCOL_HOME/ledger.dat if TIMCOL_HOME is set, otherwise defaults to ./ledger.dat.

    edit                Open ledger for editing.
    register (reg)      Human friendly format.
    csv                 CSV-formatted invoice.
    html                HTML-formatted invoice.
    start (swap)        Start a new task (use swap to stop and immediately start a new task)
    backfill            Record a complete task given its timestamp and duration.
    resume              Restart the last task.
    stop                Stop current task.
    cancel              Delete current task.
    upload (sync)       Execute the file `upload` in the directory the log file is in.
    log-path            Print the path of the log file then exit.

$TIMCOL_NAME can be set to change the name of timcol in help text. This allows easy renaming of timcol via an alias like `alias t='TIMCOL_NAME=t