
In this repository, I gathered a lot of useful examples of code and their description that I create while studying programming. Here you can find examples on the use of the Inheritance, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Interfacies, Polymorphism, Indexers, Operators Overloading, Extention Methods, System IO , Exception Handling, Delegates, Events, IDisposable, IClonable, GC, IEnumerable, IEnumerator Interfaces, Yield, Generic Programming,

Primary LanguageC#

Useful Examples on C#

In this repository, I gathered a lot of useful examples that I create while studying programming. Here you can find examples on the use of the Inheritance, Interface, Indexers, Operators Overloading, Extention Methods, Exception Handling, etc.

  1. Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism (Accelerator magnets)

  2. Abstraction, Interfacies (3D Geometric Shapes) ---------->

  3. Indexers (New Solar System, Fibonacci Calculator)

  4. Extention Methods and Dictionary (Latin to Armenian)

  5. Example of Operators Overloading (Vector Arithmetic)

  6. Functions for converting 4 bytes to one Int32 in binary

  7. IO, Exception Handling (Creat file, Clean Directory)

  8. Creating Directory Tree --------------------------------------->

  9. Delegate (Integral Calculator)

  10. Generic Programming (MyList, Generic Extention)

  11. Events (Timer and Press Key Event Handler)

  12. IEnumerable, IEnumerator Interfaces, Yield

  13. LINQ Introduction, Keywords

  14. Garbage Collector

  15. Web Page Spying (IDisposable, IO, Exaption Handling)----->

  16. Object Class, MemberwiseClone, IClonable Interface

  17. Thread Class, Threading

  18. Task Parallel Library (TPL) (Betting Terminal)

  19. Reflection (Type, Activator, Early - Late Binding, ...)

  20. Attributes (Create, Obsolete, Conditional, ...)

Projects written on C# 6.0, .NET Framework 4.6 Visual Studio 2015 Comunity Edition