Capture Environment WPF App

MTSU • Software Engineering • CSCI-4700 • Dr. Medha Sarkar

Application that makes it easy to capture multiple video feeds simultaneously. Written in C# and XAML with Microsofts WPF framework. Uses DirectX for live video as well as the Capture Manager NuGet package.

How to use

Make sure you have .NET desktop development components installed in Visual Studio.

Download VLC to debug and view the .asf

Open the solution file (CSCI4700_CaptureEnv.sln) and if there is a window that pops up asking to upgrade to a newer version of .NET 4.x do not change the selection, just press continue.

Press the green play button to run the app and start debugging.

To-Do Items

  • [DONE] Separate the video file into multiple files (see .asf 'Advanced Systems Format' file format) because all the video streams are in that one file

    1. Set the default fps of any screen capture to 30fps instead of 1fps
    1. After splitting the files, we will need to get the files into one video by stitching them together.
    1. Add a time-elapsed overlay on the stitched video.
    1. Create an error dialog to show instead of using the limited MessageBox.Show()
    1. Change GUI color and make them all match
  • Upgrade GUI make it look better and more customized.

  • More to come as we progress.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
