
Using tf to build neural network just like pytorch

Primary LanguagePython

NN_FUNCTION,build tensorflow model as pytorch nn functional style

tf.layers or slim is too sophisticated to build models efficiently. They all call tf.nn in low level.

We provide NNFunciton wrapping tf.nn functions to simplify building neural network like pytorch, just claiming F = NNFunction(is_training, dtype, data_format).

base model

We evaluate most image classification models using horovod + tf.estimator + tf.data, it stays state of art at most cases.

resnet and resNeXt models use preprocessing of RESNET (resnet ppr. as short) as default. (resize min 255,then crop 224 x 224)

(inference GPU: 1080Ti, without any optimization)

name STA top1 top5 inference speed(fp32) inference speed(fp16) loss others
inception_v3 78.8 79.248 94.432 3.661 2.688 1.653 299,ls,e300
,224x224 77.158 93.496 2.251 1.818 224,e120,inception ppr.
se_inception_v3 79.938 94.678 3.817 2.6400 1.661 299,ls,e200
,e120 79.472 94.656 3.788 2.708 1.719
resnet_v1_50 76.174 92.988 2.276 1.411
mobilenet_v1_1.0 72.93 73.23 91.264 1.321 1.382 ls,e200
mobilenet_v2_1.4 75.0 74.536 91.966 2.111 1.391 ls,e120
,dw w/o relu6 74.928 92.192 2.049 1.358 ls,e200
mobilenet_v2_1.0 71.506 90.26 1.637 1.518 ls,e120
,dw w/o relu6 71.8 71.6 90.242 1.337 1.491 ls,e200
resnet_v1_101_D 79.78 79.572 94.818 3.483 2.935 1.229 resnet ppr
,320x320 80.804 95.414 8.642 1.147 320,ls,e120,inception ppr.
resNeXt_50_32x4d_D 78.192 94.014 3.173 2.681 1.265
resNeXt_50_64x4d_D 78.348 94.206 3.899 1.383
resNeXt_101_64x4d_D 79.432 94.6 6.396 5.417 1.342
,320x320 80.304 95.24 13.988 1.302 320,ls,e120,fp16, bs32
resnet_v1_50_D 78.342 94.16 2.520 2.117 1.251 e120,resnet ppr.
,inceptio ppr. 78.48 78.444 94.26 2.803 1.246 e120,inception ppr.
,320x320 78.984 94.664 5.399 1.217 e120, inception ppr. fp16
,se 79.192 94.678 2.998 1.199 e200, inception bbox ppr. fp32, ls
shufflenet_v2_2.0 74.9 74.848 92.146 1.772 1.577 1.334 e200, inception bbox ppr, fp32, ls
,epoch120 74.018 91.738 1.567 1.393 inception bbox ppr, fp32, ls