0x16. C - Simple Shell


The shell is the Linux command line interpreter. It provides an interface between the user and the kernel and executes programs called commands. For example, if a user enters ls then the shell executes the ls command.

This project, simple_shell, is a custom implementation of a simple UNIX shell as a requirement to complete the first sprint in the ALX - Holberton school 12-month SE program. Taking a minimalistic approach, the following functions have been implemented: access, execve, exit, fork, free, fstat, getline, malloc, perror, signal, stat, wait, write.

Table of Contents

File Descriptions

  • AUTHORS - It lists the contributors of this project
  • man_1_simple_shell - The Manual describing usage of the simple_shell
  • shell.h - The header file used in this project



  • Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs
  • All files were compiled on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using gcc, using the options -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -std=gnu89
  • Betty coding style is followed.
  • The simple shell has no known memory leaks

More Info and Examples


Designed to run on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, the simple_shell can be installed as follows:

  • Clone the current repository with the command: git clone "https://github.com/stephenmakenziwaweru/simple_shell.git"
  • cd in to the cloned directory: cd simple_shell
  • Create an executable using: gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c -o hsh
  • Run the executable either in interative mode ./hsh or non-interactive mode echo "pwd" | ./hsh


Example of error with sh:

$ echo "qwerty" | /bin/sh
/bin/sh: 1: qwerty: not found
$ echo "qwerty" | /bin/../bin/sh
/bin/../bin/sh: 1: qwerty: not found

Same error with our program hsh:

$ echo "qwerty" | ./hsh
./hsh: 1: qwerty: not found
$ echo "qwerty" | ./././hsh
./././hsh: 1: qwerty: not found

Mandatory Tasks

  • 0. README, man, AUTHORS
  • 1. Betty would be proud
  • 2. Simple shell 0.1
  • 3. Simple shell 0.2
  • 4. Simple shell 0.3
  • 5. Simple shell 0.4
  • 6. Simple shell 1.0
  • 7. What happens when you type ls -l \*.c in the shell

Advanced Tasks

  • 8. Test suite
  • 9. Simple shell 0.1.1
  • 10. Simple shell 0.2.1
  • 11. Simple shell 0.4.1
  • 12. Simple shell 0.4.2
  • 13. setenv, unsetenv
  • 14. cd
  • 15. ;
  • 16. && and ||
  • 17. alias
  • 18. Variables
  • 20. help
  • 21. history
  • 22. File as input


No known bugs exists within the program as of this writing.


Stephen Makenzi Waweru | @stephenmakenziwaweru

Aloice Okoth | @aloicerains


Given the open source nature of the project, no special licenses or license whatsoever is needed to use, modify, and redistribute the simple_shell program.