
A very simple teams plugin

Primary LanguageJava


Just a simple, lightweight teams plugin I wrote for an experimental server.


  • Download the plugin jar file and install it in your server's /plugins folder.


  • Create teams
  • Players can join random teams
  • Private team chat


A list of commands is available by typing /help tesseractteams.

Configuration of teams should be done using the config.yml file. A sample config.yml will be created when you first run the plugin.

The following commands are available to players:

  • /reloadteams - reload teams from the configuration file (ops only)
  • /join - puts you on a random team
  • /leave - leaves the team
  • /teams - list all teams
  • /t (message) - send a message only to your teammates


No download is currently available.

Release notes

The current plugin is still in alpha form. It appears fairly stable, but there may be some remaining bugs. Please report any bugs via the issue tracker.