
Primary LanguageTypeScript



My focus on this test is to display the wider knowledge i have as a professional as i can in the time invested. I may briefly, but enoughly covered many subjects that i consider relevant for a JS professional. Them being:

  • Clean and comprehensive code
  • good architecture, ability to think and organize massive projects.
  • capability to operate the libraries suggested by the company

Im aware of many points of improvement or that i deliberatley skipped for the sake of focusing on different things, or that i thought the knowledge/challenge they represent where already covered.

Installation and usage

  • npm install
  • npx nx run mobile:start(will start metro for the mobile app)
    • its important to ensure node-modules in the apps are linked with: npx nx run mobile:ensure-symlink
  • npx nx run mobile:run-android (will launch android)

(with Nx vscode plugin you can see all commands available)


This project is a Monorepo type(integrated repo). All dependencies are installed on the root folder, and used on packages and apps. Its good because allow ease to implement the pattern and the following possibilities:

  • apps:
    • (all standalone applications, that often get deployed. websites etc. consumers of libs, as explained below.)
  • libs:
    • all that contributes to organize the multiple needs of the application ecossystem.
    • they contain for example:
    • utils/helpers (pure functions, oftem small like: convertToNumber)
    • publishable ESLint especific for the company or project.
    • Design Systems
    • Services often consumed across apps (eg: CoffeIT.awsUploader(item))

Software decisions:

Subject Tooling Motivations
Style dripsy I never used before, but as long it has styled-component/emotion nature, offers great suport for typescript and theming. Also the sx prop is really cool. chackra-ui feelings, make easy for me to style faster. also same creator from moti maybe make a good combo.

Disclaimer: I often dont inline style, but create styles in a separate file, but abused it this time for brevity
Animation moti It is performant and offers a familiar API as framer-motion, making easy to create simpler transitions, spring animations and so.
ErrorHandling react-native-error-boundary and react-native-exception-handler One offers DOM error placeholder to side with Suspense-mode in react, and the other catches global JS and Native throws.
State and Network data react-query and redux I abandoned redux for almost 4 years now, but seems a plus for you. I reckon the benefits though i couldnt help myself of holding to react-query to handle server/api stuff. its has many benefits i cant number here.
Typescript and data validation zod Although i didnt used it at all, i would use Zod to declare more niche types (ex: UUID instead of string) and validate it. maybe in conjunction with stuff like react-hook-form


My windows enviromnent was very buggy, especially running storybook scripts. so it prevented me to do alot of progress on scripting for it. Also incapability to care for iOS.

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