Run it

Running the following will seed data and start the server.

./bin/setup && foreman start

There is a rake task that can bee ran to re-import the seed data: rails import_data:run


There are 3 main components: Web server, Postgres instance, and redis.

Redis is used for storing background jobs (we're not using cache, so this is its only purpose)

When foreman is run, it will start the web server and it will start the sidekiq server.
Using sidekiq-cron, we are able to have a job that runs every 30 minutes to re-populate the data.

Due to sidekiq, the project requires redis. If redis does not exist on your system, the project will still run via ./bin/setup && ./bin/rails s


The project uses postgreSQL for the datastore and pre_codes is serialized with an array column.

Performance / Scalability

  • Database connection splitting for reads and writes
    • Currently both set to the same db
  • API-only app config
    • Gets rid of unneeded middleware. I also removed mail, storage, and view modules we don't need.

There are a bunch of other ways to go about this but this makes sense as not to bloat the project. Horizontal Sharding is interesting but sharding can be too much work, given that this app will be read heavy and scalable through replicas.

Set it up

First, install 'em with Homebrew:

brew install postgres redis

Then set them up to automatically start and run in the background every time you turn on your computer:

brew services start postgres
brew services start redis

This is optional:

  • Then create a user for the Postgres database.
  • The password for the user is just "password" (without the quotes). You want to answer yes to making it a superuser.
createuser --interactive --pwprompt tapout

2. Install Ruby dependencies

tapout-api depends on a specific version of Ruby. The best way to do this is to use rvm (Ruby Version Manager).

To install rvm, first make sure you have gpg:

brew install gpg

Then, from a new terminal tab, follow the instructions on to finish installing the latest stable release of the rvm command-line tool.

Check the version of Ruby that tapout-api relies on (cat .ruby-version), then open another new terminal tab and install that particular version of Ruby using RVM. For example:

rvm install `cat .ruby-version`

Now open a new terminal tab one more time, and cd out and then back into your local tapout-api directory one more time to trigger the creation of a gemset.

Next, reinstall the bundler gem:

gem install bundler

And last but not least, install tapout-api's local Ruby dependencies:

bundle install