
Launch a Dockerized, Production Ready GoPhish to an Ubuntu Server

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

GoPhish for Production



  • For local setup, Get the right flavor of Docker for your OS...

    Note: The recommended requirement for deployment of this project is 4 GB RAM. For Docker for Mac, this can be set by following these steps:

    Open Docker > Preferences > Advanced tab, then set memory to 4.0 GiB

  • A registered domain name

Setup locally

  • Create your env file
    • cp etc/env.dist .env
  • Build containers
    • make build
  • Run GoPhish
    • make up
  • Restart proxy to reflect changes
    • docker exec -it gophish-proxy service nginx restart
  • GoPhish admin UI is running on localhost & localhost:3333
  • Phishing server is running on localhost:8080
  • Adminer UI is running on localhost:9000

Stop and Remove project containers

  • Stop all containers
    • make stop
  • Remove all containers make down

Setup on a Production Server

Initial Setup

  • Clone this repo
  • Create your env file in to the root directory
    • cp etc/env.dist .env
  • Change the server_name in etc/nginx/config.conf from to your domain name
  • Update your .env file to a more secure database password
  • Install Make
    • sudo apt install make

Run GoPhish on a Production Server

  • Install and update required packages
    • make init
  • Follow on-screen prompts
  • Restart Server in order for changes to take effect
  • Build containers
    • cd gophish-prod
    • make build
  • Run GoPhish
    • make up

Generate SSL Certificates using Let's Encrypt

  • Shell into the Nginx container:
    • docker exec -it gophish-proxy bash
  • Run Certbot:
    • certbot --nginx
  • Follow on-screen prompts
  • Restart Nginx service
    • service nginx restart
    • Note: the shell will close because this command restarts the container
  • Restart the Nginx container
    • make up
  • Visit your domain to access the GoPhish admin UI