
A very simple canvas that lets you add text or images on top of it. Oh, also you can add your own images ;)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Applied Patterns

  • MVC
  • Factory Method

Used Module Dependency Library

  • RequireJS with Text plugin

Used JS Library apart from VanillaJS

  • JQuery
    • Why?
      • To save time in re-inventing lots of basic stuffs and putting more focus on the actual problem solving
  • JQuery form plugin
    • Why?
      • I needed to make the file upload experience proper and useful. Also the sent response from node was visible rather than the actual app page. I had to intercept the ajax form submission anyways.


Tried to use comments as less as possible, rather focused on meaningful naming and DRY approach to make the code more readable and understandable. As according to the book clean code, your code should speak for itself; so use comments only if it's a must.

How to run

npm install

npm start