
Creating a monorepo project with React and Express.JS using Yarn Workspaces

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Example monorepo project

Creating a monorepo project with React and Express.JS using Yarn Workspaces. This is the source code of a blog post I am writing about this topic.

Read the article: Yarn Workspaces: Organize Your Project’s Codebase Like A Pro

Project structure

We have 2 packages inside the project:

  • Client: React.JS application.
  • Server: Express.JS application.

Each of the packages have their own package.json file, so they define their dependencies as well as they have fully autonomy to publish a new version of the package into NPM or Yarn registry.

|- package.json => root workspace (private package used by yarn workspaces)
|--- packages
|------ client
|-------- package.json  => Express.JS project
|------ server
|-------- package.json => React APP

How to install and execute

Important! The node version for the project is 10. Make sure you have that version installed in your computer. If you have NVM installed, run nvm use 10. If not, install it here: https://github.com/creationix/nvm#install-script

  1. Clone this repository locally $ git clone https://github.com/ferreiro/example-monorepo.git
  2. Install the dependencies. Inside the root $ yarn install
  3. Start both applications. $ yarn start