
Program to find the degree of separation between two Twitter users

Primary LanguageJava

Twitter Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon

This program will find the degree of separation between two twitter users. Based on Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon

To run this program:

$ java -cp argo-2.23.jar:. Crawler -source <user_id> -target <user_id>

Where user_id is the numeric user_id for the twitter accounts.

To find a numeric user_id, use this api call: https://api.twitter.com/users/lookup.json?screen_name=<username>

Libraries used: argo-2.23.jar



This program is a web crawler with the specific purpose of connecting Twitter's JSON API. There is a thread pool with n amount of worker threads. When started the program, there is a source user_id and a target user_id. When the source user_id is processed, it will produce either an id that matches the target user_id or a list of ids.


As with any graph walking process, there is the hazard of there being a cycle (especially with Twitter). To prevent a cycle from causing problems, each id that is processed is stored in a static concurrent HashMap. Before and id is processed, it is checked against the map of processed ids.

Twitter's API has a limit on the number of requests that can be made per app per hour. Since this is not a commercial app, there is maximum number of ids that will be processed. This can be set at FriendCrawler.MAX_SEARCHES


The Crawler class is the driver for the program. It does a few simple tasks:

  • parses the arguments
  • adds a FriendCrawler to the WorkQueue with the seed friend
  • waits for the processes to finish
  • prints out the results


The FriendCrawler (for lack of a better name), is the meat of the project. Its tasks are:

  • to query Twitter's API for a list of friends for the given user_id
  • for each of those friends check to see if it's the target user_id
  • if it is, start the shutdown process
  • if it is not, create a new FriendCrawler for each of those user_id and let the process continue


The WorkQueue is a wrapper for Java's ThreadPoolExecutor class. It has the added functionality of having an awaitShutdown() method to allow for a thread to wait for all the WorkQueue's tasks to finish.