A user friendly platform for creating, signing and verifying Verifiable Credentials
- Trust issues between different parties will cease to exist with the creation of verifiable credential (VC)
- VC Issuers and Holders will most likely not have the technical know how on how to ho av=bout creating, signing and verifying a Verifiable Credential (VC)
- Issuers, holders or verifiers will likely not know how to interpret the raw format of a verifiable Credential (VC)
- Helps cement trust between individuals and businesses
- Ease of confirm or verifying a second/third party claim
- Provides the user with a readable and portable firmat of their VC
- Servees as a verifier for verifying VCs
- Provides an easy platform fir signing *VCs
Technologies used
- React
- Tailwindcss
- Web5 API
- ReactToPdf converter
- nodemailer